Zurich Psalter source for 2nd Sinaiticus corrector? - אc.a. or as C.a. - Moll, Swete, Crisci

Steven Avery

Zurich Psalter
Psalterium Turicense purpureum.
Codex Turicensis
Symbol LXX - T

Psalterium Turicens

Psalms - Zurich Psalter to Sinaiticus corrections

"Zurich Psalter ... The readings of this MS. are in frequent agreement with Codex Alexandrinus, and to a still more remarkable extent with the second corrector of Codex Sinaiticus" - Henry Barclay Swete

The Old Testament in Greek: I Chronicle-Tobit. Vol 2 (1891)

The Psalms in Greek According to the Septuagint, with the Canticles (1896)



The text of T (Zurich Psalter, Psalterium Turicense purpureum.) agrees generally with that of cod. A, and still more closely with the hand in cod. א‎ known as א‎c.a.

Any time a corrector of Sinaiticus is connected to a manuscript, strong consideration should be given to the possibility that the manuscript was actually used for correction. Other explanations of the connection are clearly very difficult. Why would a manuscript look at Sinaiticus corrections and not the Sinaiticus text, if it is thought that the connection is based on the chronological primacy of Sinaiticus.

This arises against and again, and is a unique phenomenon to Sinaiticus.


The Psalms (1872) (2013)

Carl Moll



https://www.americanwisdomseries.com/Massoretic Text compared to Septuagint Text.html
2055.Papyrus Societa Italiana 980.
Two leaves of a codex, containing Ps.cxliii.(cxliv.)14-cxlviii.3. Late third or fourth century. Its text agrees in several instances with that of the corrector of the Codex Sinaiticus known as אCA. Edited by G. Vitelli (1927).


The Old Testament in Greek: I Chronicle-Tobit. 1896


Finally, the entire MS. was copied in 1856 by Tischendorf, who after comparing his copy with the original in the autumn of 1869 gave it to the world in the fourth volume of his Monumcnta sacra inedila (Nov. Coll.)4,

Zurich Psalter ... The readings of this MS. are in frequent agreement with Codex Alexandrinus, and to a still more remarkable extent with the second corrector of Codex Sinaiticus.



Konstantin von Tischendorf, who published the text in the fourth volume of his Nova Collectio (1869), ascribes the handwriting to the seventh century.

The text of the Codex Turicensis agrees generally with that of the Codex Alexandrinus (A), and still more closely with the hand in Codex Sinaiticus (S, א).

Konstantin von Tischendorf, Monumenta sacra inedita. Nova collectio 4 (1869), p. 1-209

T, or Cod. Zuricensis, the Zürich Psalter (seventh century) shows, with R, the Western text; silver letters, gold initials, on purple vellum.

The manuscript is held at Zurich, Zentralbibliothek, Siglum RP 1 or C 84.

An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek: With an Appendix Containing the Letter of Aristeas
Henry Barclay Swete

T (262). Codex Turicensis. Zurich, Municipal Library.

A purple MS. which contained originally 288 leaves; of these
223 remain.

LXX Zurich Psalter
-------------- 1 to 26
-------------- 30:2-36:20
-------------- 41:6-43:3
-------------- 92:3 - 93:7
-------------- 96:12-97:8
97:9-151:7 end

108 of 151 - 73%

The text now begins at xxvi. (xxvii.) 1, and there are lacunae in the body of the MS. which involve the loss of
Pss. xxx. 2—xxxvi. 20,
xli. 6—xliii. 3,
lviii. 24—lix. 3,
lix. 9—10, 13—lx. 1,
lxiv. 12—lxxi. 4,
xcii. 3—xciii. 7,
xcvi. 12—xcvii. 8.

The first five Canticles and a part of the sixth have also disappeared; those which remain are 1 Regn. ii. 6—10 (the rest of the sixth),
the Magnificat,
Isa. xxxviii. 10—20,
the Prayer of Manasses1,
Dan. iii. 23 ff.,
Bene die tus. Nunc Dimittis.

Yet 36:40 - a large Sinaiticus omission-correction is part of a 4?-verse lacuna in Tischendorf with no indication.

Other large omissions
Psalm 41:3-5

Good sections to check
97:9 - 151:7


copied by succeeding writers) to state that the MS. here described once formed part of the Codex Vaticanus.1

1 Sec Coxe’s Travels in Switzerland, in Pinkerton’s Collection of Voyages and Travels, vol. vi. p. 672. 4to.
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Steven Avery

The Psalms in Greek

Attention was called to the importance of its text in a dissertation by J. J. Breitinger 2, published in 1748, and a collation was obtained by Parsons, the continiuator of Holmes, who cites it as MS. 262 3, Finally, the entire MS. was copied in 1856 by Tischendorf, who after comparing his copy with the original in the autumn of 1869 gave it to the world in the fourth volume of his Monumenta sacra in edita (Nov. Coll.)4, adding prolegomena, and a coloured representation of Ps- cxxxvii. 6—cxxxviii. 2 5. The collation of the Zurich Psalter for the present edition is based upon Tischendorf's reproduction.



De antiquissimo Turicensis bibliothecae Graeco psalmorum libro in membrana purpurea titulis aureis ac litteris argenteis exarato, epistola (1748)
Johann Jakob Breitinger

Tischendorf copied in 1856 and published later

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Steven Avery

CSP - Psalms

ψαλμοϲ τω δαυειδ οποτε απεδι
δραϲκεν απο προϲωπου αβεϲϲα
λωμ του υιου αυτου

the first large omission is Q59-f1-v
called Ca
Psalm 6:10
τηϲ φωνηϲ του κλαυθμου μου ˙ ηκουϲεν κϲ

Sinaiticus Corrector Cb2 as a Witness to the Alexandrian Text of Isaiah (2012)
Ken Penner
While I was collating textual variants in the book of Isaiah for the BrillSeptuagint Commentary, I noticed that the readings attested by the corrector that Milne and Skeat
call C
very often agree with Ziegler's critical edition, much more often than the changes made by other correctors, and more often than Codex Vaticanus.

In John 1:28 second corrector made unique textual variant Βηθαραβα. This textual variant has only codex 892, syrh and several other manuscripts.
called cb2

Psalm 9:2 has a major omission
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Steven Avery

The Rubrication of the Psalms in Codex Sinaiticus (2015)
Mark Randall James

Scribe A's occasional tendency to omit entire lines suggests that their exemplar was most likely already formatted in this

31 Jongkind, Scribal Habits, 201.


The book of Psalms was written by two scribes: scribe D wrote both
text and rubrics through the end of folio 62:3 recto (to Psalm 97:3),
after which scribe A wrote both to the end. By all accounts D is the
more able scribe: it may be that he insisted on writing the bulk of the
Psalms due to its more involved formatting, and/or that he wrote the
first portion of the book as a model for A to follow/2 Another scribe
has traced over A’s rubrication. Milne and Skeat claim that, on the
basis of the orthography of the tracing, it is possible to identify the
second as D/3 Jongkind is less sanguine/4 Milne and Skeat also argue
that the red text must have been inserted as the scribe went along,
because of the difficulty of calculating in advance and leaving blank
the space required for the red text/5 Jongkind has shown that this must
be incorrect, however, since many of the errors we will consider below
are best explained by a scribe leaving blank spaces in the main text and
then returning to add red ink later/6


Jongkind p. 201

The frequent occurrence of missing poetic lines indicates that the exemplar, or an ancestor further down if the missing lines are an inherited feature, was written in a format in which each poetic line was attributed its own physical line (as in Sinaiticus) and unlike, for example, the Bodmer papyrus XXIV (Rahlfs 2110), where poetic lines arc only marked off by interpunction.

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Steven Avery


One of the most interesting comments from Dirk Jongkind:

Scribal Habits of Codex Sinaiticus (2007)
Dirk Jongkind

The frequent occurrence of missing poetic lines indicates that the exemplar, or an ancestor further down if the missing lines are an inherited feature, was written in a format in which each poetic line was attributed its own physical line (as in Sinaiticus) and unlike, for example, the Bodmer papyrus XXIV (Rahlfs 2110), where poetic lines are only marked off by interpunction. - p. 201

And Dirk Jongkind on the question of missing lines was also referenced by Mark Randall James:


The Rubrication of the Psalms in Codex Sinaiticus (2015)
Mark Randall James

Scribe A's occasional tendency to omit entire lines suggests that their exemplar was most likely already formatted in this way.


Missing lines, often with corrections inserting the missing text, are very common in Sinaiticus. And this is not limited to the poetic books. They can tell us about theorized and actual exemplars used in the writing of Sinaiticus.

Notice that this connection can be direct, or indirect:
“or an ancestor further down if the missing lines are an inherited feature”.

Also note that there are actually two different textual relationships that need to be properly delineated.


1) the exemplar can line up with the original omission, especially if the line length (and possibly textual features such as similar line endings) is a good fit.

Extra Note:
There can be variable sense-lines or a fixed-line-length in the exemplar relationship. E.g. a drop of 42 letters might come from a fixed-length exemplar of approximately 14, 21 or 42 letters per line.

2) the exemplar can be used directly for the corrections.

Extra Note:
In (2) we may find surprising notes about the textual affinity between certain localized Sinaiticus corrections and a specific extant manuscript. Such a note should always pique the special interest of textual studies. And when a manuscript is used for correction, you would not expect the neighboring text verses to be close-to-identical.

Note also that in (2) it is hardly feasible that the Sinaiticus corrections will have a direct affect on the text of a new manuscript. It is very easy for the exemplar manuscript text to be placed into the correction text of Sinaiticus. If this is discovered, it means that the terminus post quem of the Sinaiticus corrections can be no earlier than the terminus post quem of the correction manuscript. We may need to look closely as to the palaeographic dating of the corrections as well (e.g. as they considered to be part of the original production, or hundreds of years later.)


Now, for further context, there are various other elements that can help see these connections. Formatting, rubrication, punctuation, spelling, localized textual agreement, etc. all have the capability of helping or hurting a proposed textual connection. Also you may want to check multiple potential sources in determining a potential fit. Plus the number of textual connections will also be a factor.


There has been very little study, analysis or discussion about the larger missing text spots in Sinaiticus. And I have never seen a breakdown of the two quite different relationships above, (1) and (2).
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Steven Avery

More Sinaiticus - Zurich Psalter - Swete apparatus

Psalms 71:5-92:2


Psalm 71:19
Thy righteousness also, O God, is very high,
who hast done great things:
O God, who is like unto thee!

ειϲ τον αιωνα και ειϲ τον αιωνα του αιωνοϲ και πληρωθηϲεται τηϲ δοξηϲ αυτου


he is showing an apparatus for each part of the addition

not the whole as a whole





76:10 - words omitted

78:6 - complicated
εκχεον την οργην ϲου επι εθνη τα μη ειδοτα ϲε

79:10 - 3 words different

80:9 - delete 4 words

και λαληϲω ϲοι ϊϲραηλ

86:4 - big one filled in with Ca - words added, but where on parchment?

88:4 - 6 words deleted
υψωϲα εκλεκτον εκ του λαου μου

90:15 - various corrections
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Steven Avery

Psalm 54:21
Psalm 86:4

μνηϲθηϲομαι ρααβ και βαβυλωνοϲ
τοιϲ γινωϲκουϲι με
και ϊδου αλλοφυλοι και τυροϲ και λα
οϲ αιθιοπων

They may have missed another small correction, "the" in front of Ethiopia



Psalm 87:4 KJV (from Hebrew Bible)
I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me: Behold Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia;
This man was born there.

Original: αιθιοπων; corrector (ca):
αιθιοπων ουτοι εγενηθησαν εκει ·

Brenton or

Rahlfs left out the extra THE before Ethiopia



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Steven Avery

97:8 has a big omission

97.9 -151.7

100:8- 102:3
101:1 header some changes in 12 words
maybe 15 small correction

Psalms, 102:3 - 103:12 library: BL folio: 115b scribe: A
14 small corrections

Psalms, 103:12 - 104:8 library: BL folio: 116 scribe: A
15 small corrections

Psalms, 104:8 - 104:42 library: BL folio: 116b scribe: A
14 small corrections
104:20 - 6 words - S1 and ca delete

Psalms, 104:42 - 105:29 library: BL folio: 117 scribe: A
17 small deletions

Psalms, 105:29 - 106:11 library: BL folio: 117b scribe: A
9 small corrections

Psalms, 106:11 - 106:43 library: BL folio: 118 scribe: A

Psalm 106:29
Psalm 106:35

Psalms, 106:43 - 108:18 library: BL folio: 118b scribe: A

Psalm 107:02

Psalms, 108:18 - 110:8 library: BL folio: 119 scribe: A
15 corrections - 3 are big changes

Psalms, 110:8 - 113:14 library: BL folio: 119b scribe: A
Psalm 111:8 delete by S1 and ca

Psalm 113:6 addition
Psalm 113:11 deletion

Psalms, 113:14 - 117:5 library: BL folio: 120 scribe: A
17 corrections

Psalms, 117:5 - 118:15 library: BL folio: 120b scribe: A
9 corrections

Psalms, 118:15 - 118:55 library: BL folio: 121 scribe: A
22 corrections

Psalms, 118:55 - 118:93 library: BL folio: 121b scribe: A
25 corrections

Psalms, 118:93 - 118:131 library: BL folio: 122 scribe: A

Psalm 118:95
εμε υπεμιναν αμαρτωλοι του απολεϲαι με
Psalm 119:104

Psalms, 118:131 - 118:169 library: BL folio: 122b scribe: A
24 corrections

Psalms, 118:169 - 123:2 library: BL folio: 123 scribe: A
Psalm 122:6 - word order large

Psalms, 123:2 - 128:2 library: BL folio: 123b scribe: A
18 corrections

Psalms, 128:2 - 131:18 library: BL folio: 124 scribe: A

Psalm 129:6
απο φυλακηϲ πρωϊαϲ ελπιϲατω ιηλ επι τον κν

Psalms, 132:1 - 135:11 library: BL folio: 124b scribe: A
20 corrections

Psalms, 135:11 - 138:3 library: BL folio: 125 scribe: A

Psalm 135:23
οτι εν τη ταπινωϲι ημων εμνηϲθη ημων ο κϲ οτι ειϲ τον αι
ωνα το ελεοϲ αυτου

Psalm 138:1 - complicated change

Psalms, 138:3 - 139:9 library: BL folio: 125b scribe: A
20 corrections

Psalms, 139:9 - 142:1 library: BL folio: 126 scribe: A
24 corrections

Psalms, 142:1 - 144:1 library: BL folio: 126b scribe: A
24 corrections

Psalms, 144:1 - 145:9 library: BL folio: 127 scribe: A

Psalm 144:6 also deletion!
και την μεγαλωϲυνην ϲου διηγηϲονται

Psalm 144:18

Psalm 145:8 - word order

Psalms, 145:9 - 148:14 library: BL folio: 127b scribe: A

Psalms, 148:14 - 151:7 library: BL folio: 128 scribe: A


Psalm 106:29
Psalm 106:35

Psalms, 106:43 - 108:18 library: BL folio: 118b scribe: A

Psalm 107:02

Psalms, 110:8 - 113:14 library: BL folio: 119b scribe: A
Psalm 111:8 delete by S1 and ca

Psalm 113:6 addition
Psalm 113:11 deletion

Psalms, 118:93 - 118:131 library: BL folio: 122 scribe: A

Psalm 118:95
εμε υπεμιναν αμαρτωλοι του απολεϲαι με
Psalm 119:104

Psalm 122:6 - word order large

Psalm 129:6
απο φυλακηϲ πρωϊαϲ ελπιϲατω ιηλ επι τον κν

Psalms, 132:1 - 135:11 library: BL folio: 124b scribe: A
20 corrections

Psalm135, Verse 23,
οτι εν τη ταπινωϲι ημων εμνηϲθη ημων ο κϲ οτι ειϲ τον αι
ωνα το ελεοϲ αυτου

Psalm 138:1 - complicated change

Psalm 144:6 also deletion!
και την μεγαλωϲυνην ϲου διηγηϲονται

Psalm 144:18

Psalm 145:8 - word order


Psalm 106:29
Psalm 106:35

Psalm 111:8 delete by S1 and ca

Psalm 113:6 addition

Psalm 113:11 deletion

Psalm 118:95
εμε υπεμιναν αμαρτωλοι του απολεϲαι με

Psalm 119:104

Psalm 122:6 - word order large

Psalm 129:6
απο φυλακηϲ πρωϊαϲ ελπιϲατω ιηλ επι τον κν

Psalm135, Verse 23,
οτι εν τη ταπινωϲι ημων εμνηϲθη ημων ο κϲ οτι ειϲ τον αι
ωνα το ελεοϲ αυτου

Psalm 138:1 - complicated change

Psalm 144:6 also deletion!
και την μεγαλωϲυνην ϲου διηγηϲονται

Psalm 144:18
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Steven Avery

78:6 - complicated
εκχεον την οργην ϲου επι εθνη τα μη ειδοτα ϲε

pour out his wrath upon the nations of the unknown

εκκαυθηϲεται ωϲ πυρ ο ζηλοϲ ϲου
και επι βαϲιλειαϲ αι το ονομα ϲου ου
κ επεκαλεϲαντο

the fire of jealousy is burning ┬ and the name of the king and appellant

Psalm 79:6 KJV
Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen that have not known thee,
And upon the kingdoms that have not called upon thy name.


πσαλτερ psalter is identical
and we have a D corrector offering an alternative correction as noted



Rahlf omits first half of the verse. Tisch and ca both have the identical readings


Kirk DiVietro

Psalm 78:6 (Brenton LXX En) 6 Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen that have not known thee, and upon the kingdoms which have not called upon thy name.

Psalm 79:6 (KJV 1900) 6 Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen that have not known thee, And upon the kingdoms that have not called upon thy name.


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Steven Avery


1748 - Breitinger edition - 72 pages
De antiquissimo Turicensis bibliothecae Graeco
Apparatus p. 27-70
Sample from p. 30

1789 - William Coxe error about being part of Vaticanus in Travels in Switzerland
Travels in Switzerland: In a Series of Letters to William Melmoth ..., Volume 1
by William Coxe
2. The pfalms in the Greek tongue, written on parchment dyed of a violet colour. The letters are filver, excepting the initials, which are in golden. characters, and the marginal references, which are red. It is fimilar to the celebrated Codex Argenteus* in the library of Upfala. It is fuppofed to have once formed part of the Codex Vaticanus, preferved in the Vatican library at Rome: as both of these manufcripts are fimilar, and the Roman volume is deficient in the pfalms. The learned Breitinger has published a dissertation on this codex t. 3. Several manufcripts of Zuingle,
* See Travels into Poland, Ruffia, &c. Book vii. chap. vi.
+ De Antiquiffimo Turicenfis Bibliothecæ Græco Pfalmorum Libro Turici.' 1748.

1822 - Horne mentions Coxe error
Codex Turicensis
It is, however, consolatory to know that those portions of the psalms, which are deficient in the Codices, Alexandrinus and Vaticanus, may be supplied from the Codex Turicensis3: and this circumstance, it should seem, occasioned the generally accurate traveller, Mr. Coxe (whose error has been implicitly copied by succeeding writers) to state that the MS. here described once formed part of the Codex Vaticanus.1
1 See Coxe’s Travels in Switzerland, in Pinkerton’s Collection of Voyages and Travels, vol. vi. p. 672. 4to.

Parsona, the continuator of Holmes, who dies it as MS. 262 (Swete)
Praef ad Libr Psalmorum (sub num 262)

1835 · ‎Read · ‎More editions
Edi- tionem a R. Holmes , S.T.P. inchoatam continuavit J. Parsons , S.T.B. Tomi V. 1798-1827 . folio , 71 . Vetus Testamentum ex Versione Septuaginta ...

1823 · ‎Read
PRÆFATIO AD LIBRUM PSALMORUM . n Catul DEVENIMUS tandem ad librum cujus Codices MSti in numerum excrefcunt triplo fere majorem quam alîus cujufvis libri . Ex his vero perpauci funt quorum alibi datur Notitia ; quippe qui partim ul- tra ...

(copy 262 entry)

Tischendorf gives Breitinger Holmes info

1840 - Sinaiticus Psalms text on Mt. Athos - check available mss.

1856 - Tischendorf has access - the entire ms. was copied
Finally, the entire MS. was copied in 1856 by Tischendorf, who after comparing his copy with the original in the autumn of 1869 gave it to the world in the fourth volume of his Monumenta sacra inedita (Nov. Coll.)4,

1859 - best time for Sinaiticus corrections, Sinai or Cairo
Vector of transmission - very sensible is Tischendorf

1869 - Tischendorf edition
Monumenta sacra inedita.
Vol. IV. of the Nova Collectio, 1869, the Psalterium Turicense, i
Inprimis vero memoratu dignum est, saepissime illum cum uno ex correctoribus codicis Sinaitici conspiare, eum dico qui in commentariis Ca mihi dictus est.

"In the first place it is worthy of mention, that very often I glimpsed him with one of the correctors of the Sinaitic codex, I mean the one who was mentioned to me in the commentaries of Ca."

1870 - Carl Moll

In the department of Textual Criticism we have to mention that the Monumenla Sacra Inedita, published by Const. Tischendorf, contain in Vol. IV. of the Nova Collectio, 1869, the Psalterium Turicense, important for the criticism of the Text of the Septuagint. It was written upon purple parchment, in silver and gold, about the 7th century. It consists of 223 leaves, and comprises 118 Psalms, together with 9 Biblical Hymns and 1 Church Hymn. Its readings show more agreement with the Cod. Alex, than with the Cod. Vat., and often confirm those of the Aldine and Complutensian texts. The relation which it exhibits to one of the correctors of the Cod. Sinait. is worthy of special attention. The insertion, in elegant red letters, of the first word of each verse in Latin from the Vulgate of Jerome, by the side of the Greek Text, goes to show that it was executed in the West.”

Theologisches Literaturblatt, Volume 6
Von dem handschriftlichen Apparat ist nichts Wichtiges über sehen. Bei Daniel hätten die von Cozza 1867 herausgegebenen Palimpsest-Fragmente, bei Dan. 3 auch das Psalterium Turicense verglichen werden sollen. Von dem Vaticanus scheint die Mai'sche Ausgabe nicht überall verglichen zu sein; sie hat z. B.

Nothing important is visible from the handwritten apparatus. Daniel had the palimpsest fragments published by Cozza in 1867, and Dan. 3 the Psalterium Turicense should also be compared. Mai's edition of Vaticanus does not seem to be compared everywhere; she has e.g. b.
Holmes - Parsons

1891-1900 - Henry Barclay Swete
and more above

1890 - Review of Swete


Paul Padva
Les citations de l'Ancien Testament dans l'épitre aux Hébreux

1906 - William Oscar Emil Oesterley
Our Bible Text - p. 47
Expository Times

Swete’s Edition of O. T. in Greek, vol. ii. p. 8.

A Lost Uncial Codex of the Psalms.

THE Biblical documents to which attention has been drawn dealt with the text of the Hebrew Old Testament, and with that of the Greek New Testament. It is proposed in what follows, to say something about the Greek Old Testament, for, as will be shown in Chapter V., this is, in a large number of instances, a more trustworthy guide to what the original Hebrew of the Old Testament was than the present Hebrew text itself; that is to say, in many passages of the Old Testament the Greek Version represents a more original form of the Hebrew than the Massoretic text*
The documents hitherto discussed have all been
brought to light within recent years ; in this chapter we
propose to illustrate the melancholy truth that ancient
Biblical documents have sometimes been lost owing to
lack of sufficient precaution on the part of those who were
ultimately responsible for their preservation.
Not long ago the writer had occasion to apply to the
authorities of the Royal Library at Turin, asking for
permission to have some photographs taken of a
manuscript (Septuagint) of the Minor Prophets;

1907 - Ludwig Traube
Nomina Sacra

1905 - L. Fonck. *
In Psalmo 103 codices vcrsionis graecae Vaticanns, Sinaiticus, psalterium Veronense/(Grk), Alexandrins vero et psalterium turicense ac correctio codicis Sinaitici (Grk); i. o. leporibus exhibent (ap. Swete; cf. S. Hier. cp. 106 ad Suniani et Fret. n. 63 (M. 22, H6I s.)

In Psalm 103, the Greek version of the Vatican, the Sinaiticus, the Veronese psalter (Grk), the Alexandrian vero and the Turkish psalter and the correction of the Sinaiticus codex (Grk); i. O. they present to hares (ap. Swete; cf. S. Hier. cp. 106 to Suniani and Fret. n. 63 (M. 22, H61 s.)


Nestle Fritzsche LaGarde

Canon and Text of the Old Testament (1892)
By Frants Buhl

Dialogue avec Tryphon, Volume 1
Justin Martyr by … Georges Archambault ·

1924 - Giessen *

1927 - G. Vitelli
https://www.americanwisdomseries.com/Massoretic Text compared to Septuagint Text.html
2055.Papyrus Societa Italiana 980.
Two leaves of a codex, containing Ps.cxliii.(cxliv.)14-cxlviii.3. Late third or fourth century. Its text agrees in several instances with that of the corrector of the Codex Sinaiticus known as אCA. Edited by G. Vitelli (1927).

2002 - Bruno Weber - Psalmen auf Purpur, 7. Jahrhundert In: Zeichen der Zeit. Aus den Schatzkammern der Zentralbibliothek Zürich. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Zürich


2007 - David Parker and maybe more from Parker

2007 - Edoardo Crisci, Christoph Eggenberger, Robert Fuchs, Doris Oltrogge: Il salterio purpureo Zentralbibliothek Zürich, RP 1. In: Segno e testo. 5, 2007. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/306146091_II_Salterio_Purpureo_Zentralbibliothek_Zurich_RP1

2009 - Codex Sinaiticus Project

2012 - Ken Penner

2014 -
The Biblical Odes and the Text of the Christian Bible: A Reconsideration of the Impact of Liturgical Singing on the Transmission of the Gospel of Luke
Jennifer Knust and Tommy Wasserman
For our transcriptions, we have depended on the edition of Constantin von Tischendorf, Psalterium Turicense Purpureum (Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1869), 208–23. As the recent comprehensive study of this manuscript by Edoardo Crisci, Christoph Eggenberger, Robert Fuchs, and Doris Oltrogge points out, this manuscript offers an important early example of the transformation of the Christian book from its simple, less professional early stages to the grander, more complex formats of the late antique and early Byzantine periods (“11 Salterio Purpureo Zentralbibliothek Zurich, RPl,” Segno e Testo 5 (2007): 31-98). 'The grandeur of this edition suggests to Crisci that it may well have been copied in Constantinople before being taken to Rome sometime before the mid-eighth century (pp. 62-63).

2015 - Mark Randall Christopher James
Scribe A's occasional tendency to omit entire lines suggests that their exemplar was most likely already formatted in this way

2018 - Peter Flint

2020 - Hugh Houghton discusses ornamentation and date
David Parker - 2020

Alternate Delimitations in the Hebrew and Greek Psalters
A Theological Analysis
By Paul J. Sander · 2020

2023 - research and public discsussions

Nothing from Jongkind? et al

Zürcher Purpurpsalter

Rainer Walter

Zurich Psalter - Latin (different)

Zurich Library Portal

The so-called "Zürcher Psalter" (Zurich Psalter) or "St. Galler Psalter" (St. Gallen Psalter), written and decorated in the scriptorum of the monastery of St. Gall, with numerous initial capitals as well as with the oldest extant artistically sophisticated miniature found in the St. Gallen manuscripts, from about 820/830. Includes appended All Saints Litany and computational tables and diagrams. Used daily by the monks in the liturgy of the hours.


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Steven Avery


So you seem to be looking at all the old manuscripts in the world, looking to see if any resemble Sinaiticus, and then retrospectively alleging without a shred of evidence that they were used in the production of a modern Sinaiticus.

You are missing the basics.

There was no reason to look all over the world, since this textual affinity was pointed out in an author's preface in November, 1870, as we see in the 1872 edition of the Psalms by Carl Bernhard Moll (1805-1878), in an edition with Schaff, Lange, et al.

The Psalms (1872)
Carl Bernhard Moll

Psalterium Turicense ... The relation which it exhibits to one of the correctors of the Cod. Sinait. is worthy of special attention.

So, who has given this textual affinity the needed "special attention"?

Have you?
Since you say there is not a shred of evidence .

Steven Avery

Il salterio purpureo Zentralbibliothek Zürich, RP 1. In: Segno e testo. 5, 2007.
Edoardo Crisci, Christoph Eggenberger, Robert Fuchs, and Doris Oltrogge

FOOTNOTE 56 - p. 52-53
56 Gli studi condotti sulla recensione testuale del Salterio di Zurigo non hanno portato a risultati univoci e convincenti. L’ipotesi di un’origine occidentale del manoscritto è cautamente adombrata nelle parole di Swete, An Introduction (cit. n. 43), 142: -Like Cod.

56 The studies conducted on the textual revision of the Zurich Psalter have not led to unambiguous and convincing results. The hypothesis of a Western origin of the manuscript is cautiously adumbrated in the words of Swete, An Introduction (cit. n. 43), 142: -Like Cod.

The English is quoting



a proposito di queste osservazioni occorre tuttavia notare che la traduzione latina apposta in margine non è sicuramente coeva al testo greco ma è stata realizzata in un secondo momento; non è peraltro chiaro a quali divisioni liturgiche di stampo occidentale faccia riferimento Swete, se non a quelle del Salmo 118 (cfr. p. 45 n. 42) che il Salterio di Zurigo sembra avere in comune con la versione Gallicana (Ga), argomento un po’ debole, a mio parere, perché vi si possa fondare l’ipotesi di un’origine occidentale del Salterio. Ancor più incerto nel prendere una posizione netta fra origine occidentale ovvero origine orientale del manoscritto si mostra Rahlfs [hrsg. von], Septuaginta-Studien (cit. n. 36), 39:

«auch T mòchte man hierher rechnen, da diese Hs. lateinische Beischriften hat, doch ist es mir nicht sicher genug, ob der griechische Text im Abendlande selbst geschrieben oder villeicht aus dem Osten importiert ist».

regarding these observations, however, it should be noted that the Latin translation in the margin is certainly not contemporary with the Greek text but was created at a later time; Furthermore, it is not clear to which Western-style liturgical divisions Swete refers, if not to those of Psalm 118 (see p. 45 n. 42) which the Zurich Psalter seems to have in common with the Gallican version (Ga), a topic a little weak, in my opinion, for the hypothesis of a Western origin of the Psalter to be based on it. Even more uncertain in taking a clear position between the Western or Eastern origin of the manuscript is Rahlfs [hrsg. von], Septuaginta-Studien (cit. n. 36), 39:

“One would also like to include T here, since this ms. has Latin inscriptions, but I am not sure enough whether the Greek text was written in the West itself or perhaps imported from the East.”

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