Steven Avery
Facebook - The Lying Pen of the Scribes
Roberta Mazza post
Roberta Mazza apparently got intimidated by the gate-keeper into not allowing the last post. I sent her a note, I will report back if there is a reply.
The closed-eyes approach of the "scholars" is quite clear . Unable to discuss the substance of Sinaiticus, where the actual evidence for non-authenticity is enormous, they look for various diversions, genetic fallacies, hand-waves.
In a sense, the evidences are too clear and powerful and easy to understand. This is uncomfortable for the "scholars". Anybody can see for themselves what happened to Sinaiticus by just looking at the Codex Sinaiticus Project photos. (And the helpful information at including the contiguous points, and the superb composite photo by David Daniels.)
Roberta Mazza post
Steven Avery
When will the Lying Pen group actually make an effort to look at the provenance and authenticity issues that swirl around the Codex Sinaticius?
Granted, there is "deeply entrenched scholarship" but the 2009 Codex Sinaiticus Project, and other newly available information, shows us that the anomalies are glaring
Tommy Wasserman
Steven, there are no serious scholars who doubt the authenticity of Codex Sinaiticus. It does not help that a KJV-only group attempts to prove that Sinaiticus is a forgery or copy from the hand of Simonides. This is regarded as a curious conspiracy theory.
Steven Avery
Tommy Wasserman -There are no serious scholars that have related to the new evidence available since 2009. So the appeal to authority is totally irrelevant.
If I am wrong, name one that has commented on:
a) the 1844 white parchment in Leipzig vs. the 1859 stained yellow in the British Library
b) the 1843 Barnabas from Simonides now available
c) the Uspensky translation that shows the established Tlschendorf history to be totally false
There are more, but that is a start.
(1) is critical since it matches to a "T" what was stated in 1862, the ms. was coloured in the 1850s to give it an appearance of age. And we have an amazing BEFORE and AFTER visible today, since 2009.
(The 2011 publication was tampered to hide the colour disparity, the one from the British Library and Hendrickson.)
As for the genetic fallacy approach that you try to use, really I would think you could do better. It is funny when you get upset over who does the work that you should be researching.
Tommy Wasserman
I will not debate with you in this forum.
Steven Avery
Another venue would be fine.
And it could even be a cordial discussion, the issues are glaring and really need to be addressed.
However your efforts have been to quash any discussion at all, like at the Evangelical Textual Criticism blog.
Tommy Wasserman
I am one of few who have replied to your postings on the textual criticism discussion list, and other members have asked me why I bother. The issues are not glaring in my opinion.
Steven Avery
You never even tried to explain why the 1844 Leipzig is a pristine white parchment when the 1859 British Library is stained and yellow, exactly as described as having occurred during the 1850s, published in 1862.
You do not get more obvious and glaring evidence than that on any authenticity inquiry.. BEFORE and AFTER.
Beyond that the "phenomenally good condition' can be seen in the superb 2-minute BBC video:
The Beauty of Books
1650 years of heavy use? Aged parchment?
Take a look.
Quite glaring, my friend.
Please, take off your tin foil hat and actually interact with the evidences.
Roberta Mazza apparently got intimidated by the gate-keeper into not allowing the last post. I sent her a note, I will report back if there is a reply.
The closed-eyes approach of the "scholars" is quite clear . Unable to discuss the substance of Sinaiticus, where the actual evidence for non-authenticity is enormous, they look for various diversions, genetic fallacies, hand-waves.
In a sense, the evidences are too clear and powerful and easy to understand. This is uncomfortable for the "scholars". Anybody can see for themselves what happened to Sinaiticus by just looking at the Codex Sinaiticus Project photos. (And the helpful information at including the contiguous points, and the superb composite photo by David Daniels.)
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