Steven Avery
Latin editions from Germany
Hermae Pastor Graece Ex Fragmentis Lipsiensibus Instituta Quaestione De Vero Graeci Textus Lipsiensis Fonte (1856) (German Edition) (text visible online)
Patrum Apostolicorum Opera - Hermas (1857)
Albert Dressel
Tischendorf medieval retranslation accusation
In 1857 Allard Pierson (1831-1896) gave a Dutch review of the Dressel Apostolic Fathers edition on p. 47-63. And had a section on the Hermas edition of Tischendorf, listed on the title page as:
Thus on p. 55-56 we have the most germane part.
Godgeleerde en wijsgeerige opstellen, Volume 1
Pierson is quoting the Tischendorf Latin!
These things being so, no one doubts that we have obtained the Greek text from the fragments of Simonides, with which someone in the Middle Ages, translating the Latin, endeavored to compensate for the lost Greek of the same which is attributed to Hermas. As for the translator, others have already seen more precisely. Indeed, there will not be wanting those who can subvert the force of even so many combined arguments.... They will be able to conjecture the text of the Lipsian fragments, the most ancient that exists, from the Latins, i. e. that it was from time to time corrupted by the open faults of some of the Latin codices, very unwisely brought forth. I guess we all agree with others like that. We, however, are so convinced of the matter itself, as we have explained, that we remain to bring forth more arguments. They will find more that the Palatine codex, not a light ornament of the edition of P. P. A. A. Dresseliana 2), and not neglecting those that have been brought forth from the Latin codices and brought forward, with the Greek text of Lipsiensis." Waar-bij Tischendorf in een noot voegt: “It is not surprising that this very thing can be corrected here and there from our Greek text. For the Greek translator of the codex Simonides - that is the very vices, of which the three leaves of the 14th century they work, the frequency teaches - then the Palatine code predates the age. Force is such an example of correction. III. 9. "Then when you have observed the works of their mother, you will be able to see them all." It must be written with the help of the Greeks:------- if you save all, you will be able to live.
I do not know whether those things which are read in the book of Shepherd Hermas in the codex and from thence also in Simonides' apograph are to be converted into the same matter. They are indeed read in a strange manner corrupted; which certainly flowed a great part from Simonides' inexperience in reading the first leaves of his codex. Furthermore, from that text, which the editor-in-chief drew from the falsified apograph of Simonides and in the prolegomena on p. 9 he tried to restore, the true apograph differs greatly. Nevertheless, as the editor-in-chief has already seen, it is clear that the mark of the codex, or rather the prologue, or, depending on it, instead of the hist. etc. Eusebius (III. 3), where the shepherd Hermes is mentioned. But the translator of the Latin text was able to put the words of the translator of the Latin text in order to indicate the antiquity and gravity of the book he was translating into Greek. What we have said (above) about the Greekness of Hermas of Lipsius does not lose its force in the least because one or two of those things which we have indicated to be "Latin rather than Greek" were not unheard of among the Greeks. For if this were the case, how would a Greek Hermes, who was not ignorant of the language of his country, have an interpreter of the Latin?
Leipziger zeitung (April 17, 1859)
Tischendorf" bekanntlich Simonides einen fast"&f=false
" bekanntlich Simonides einen fast"
Notitia editionis codicis Bibliorum Sinaitici : accedit catalogus codicum nuper ex oriente Petropolin perlatorum,
item Origenis Scholia in Proverbia Salomonis, partim nunc primum partim secundum atque emendatius edita (1860)
Constantine Tischendorf
1 Lipsiensem textum in universum non veteris cuiusdam Latinorum interpretis esse, ut antea existimaveram, sed ex ipso Graeco fonte derivatum, iam primis litteris mense Martio anno 1859 de invento codice Cahira in patriam missis declaravi Cf. supra p. 10 not 1. Quam in rem haec ibi scripta sunt:
I already declared in the first letter sent to the country in March, 1859, about the discovery of the Cairo codex, that the Lipsian text was universally not that of an old Latin translator, as I had previously thought, but derived from the Greek source itself. Cf. above p. 10 note 1. (Not sure what that is a reference but we see this German in the Falkenstein April 1859 letter text). In that matter these things are written there:
„Von dem Hirten des Hermas brachte bekanntlich Simonides einen fast vollständigen griechischen Text nach Leipzig, theils in einer von ihm auf dem Athos gemachten Abschrift, theils auf drei Papierblättern aus dem 15. oder 14. Jahrhundert Nachdem dieser Text zuerst im December 1855 in einer sehr unglucklichen Entstellung herausgegeben. bald darauf auch von mir in genauerer Fassung wiederholt worden war, erhoben sich nicht geringe Zweifel darüber, ob er wirklich aus dem Alterthume stamme oder in der Hauptsache eine mittelalterliche Rückübersetzung aus dem Lateinischen enthalte. Ver allen anderen vertrat ich selbst die letztere Ansicht. Hierüber ist nunmehr durch die Handschrift, die gerade tausend Jahre älter ist als die Leipziger Blätter, volle Klarheit gewonnen; ich freue mich mittheilen zu konnen, dass der Leipziger Text nicht aus mittelalterlichen Studien, sondern aus dem alten Originaltexte hergeflowen ist. Meine entgegengesetzte Behäuptung hat sich aber insofern bewährt, als der Leipziger Text an vielen Corruptionen und auch an solchen leidet, dir ohne Zweifel aus mittelalterlicher Benutzung des lateinischen Textes, herstammen."
"As is well known, Simonides brought an almost complete Greek text of the shepherd of Hermas to Leipzig, partly in a copy made by him on Mount Athos, partly on three sheets of paper from the 15th or 14th century. After this text first appeared in December 1855 in a very unfortunate disfigurement published. soon afterwards was also repeated by me in a more precise version, no small doubts arose as to whether it really came from antiquity or whether it mainly contained a medieval translation back from Latin. To everyone else, I myself took the latter view. This has now been fully clarified by the manuscript, which is just a thousand years older than the Leipzig sheets; I am pleased to be able to announce that the Leipzig text did not come from medieval studies, but from the old original text. However, my contrary assertion has proven itself insofar as the Leipzig text suffers from many corruptions and also from such, which undoubtedly stem from the medieval use of the Latin text."
Patrum apostolicorum opera (1863)
Albert Dressel
First there is a section around p. iv on CARM from cjab
Tischendorf himself resiles from his own arguments, saying "he does not know."
"quam utrum in Latinis an in Graecis primum aliquis instituerit ambiguum est."
(Greek) Sinaiticus vero codex, Aethiops et Palatinus consentientes post (Greek) nihil additum habent. Quae in his similibusque aliis ab auctoritate Sinaitici codicis destituuntur 2, ab alia haud dubie recensione pendent, quam utrum in Latinis an in Graecis primum aliquis inslituerit ambiguum est Sed de his proxime alii videbunt, nec nobis ipsis, ut iam indicatum est, singula accuratius indagandi locum desuturum speramus. Nunc satis habemus editioni Dresselianae, diuturnis amici docti laboribus plenae, lectionibus Sinaiticis additis consuluisse, quae ut satis docent quantopere textus Lipsiensis, quamvis haud contemnendus sit, ab antiqua veritate deflexerit, ita totam eam quam praebent Pastoris partem exceptis paucis antiquo nitori reddunt.
But the Sinaitic codex, the Ethiopian and the Palatine agreeing after (Greek) have nothing added. What in these and similar others is omitted from the authority of the Sinaitic code, 2 depends, without doubt, on another review, than whether it was in the Latins or in the Greeks that someone first slipped in is doubtful. We hope that the place will be closed. Now we have enough to consult the Dresselian edition, full of the labors of a long-time learned friend, with additions to the Sinaitic readings, which sufficiently show how much the Leipzig text, although not to be despised, has deviated from the ancient truth, so that they restore the whole of it which they present to the ancient spirit, with the exception of a few of the part of the Shepherd.
1) Capite vero quarto exeunte verba gravissima "sicum scriptum est" minime Latino interpreti, ut suspicari licebat, sed ipsi scriptori vindicate codex Sinaiticus.
1) At the end of the fourth chapter, the most important words, "so it is written," were not at all to the Latin translator, as might be suspected, but to the writer himself, claiming the Sinaiticus codex.
The retraction is here on p. 45-46. Tischendorf had accused the Simonides Hermas, but found that embarrassing when it was time to publish the Sinai Hermas. The arguments made by him against the authenticity of the Simonides text could be adducible against Sinaiticus authenticiy.
Journal of Sacred Literature - July 1859
Leipziger Zeitung - April 17, 1859
Tischendorf from Cairo to Von Falkenstein - March 15, 1859.
The Scottish scholar James Donaldson noted this problem.
Then we have the New Finds of 1975, showing that the Codex Sinaiticus had in fact been the full text.
Would the Sinaiticus controversies give him a motive for truncating the text?
Uspensky saw Hermas in 1845, likely the full text, there was no indication that it was just the first sections.
A solid 1859 summary
The Literary Churchman (1859)
Tischendorf's Recent Discovery
The Literary Churchman adds some warnings about the Tischendorf antiquity claims for the ms.
And a bit about how the loan-purchase-ownership question was seen at the time.
The Shepherd of Hermas, tr. with an intr. and notes by Charles Holland Hoole (1870)
The Church Review, Volume 13 (1871)
The Sinaitic Codex of the Bible
Bibliotheca Sacra (1876)
Caspar René Gregory
Gregory was a solid supporter of Tischendorf, in a sense his protege.
History of the Christian Church, Volume II: Ante-Nicene Christianity. A.D. 100-325
Philip Schaff
(1891) (1884)
This all leads into the analysis of the Scottish scholar, James Donaldson.
James Donaldson says that much of the opposition raised by Tischendorf is in fact adducible to the Sinaiticus ms, that linguistically the Hermas and Barnabas mss are not from the antiquity time supposed.
And the related questions regarding the history of the 1843 Barnabas publication.
Steven Avery
from Dressel edition, right after ‘Maximo, fix above
—Quae quem ita sint, nullus dubito quin Simonideis fragmentis Graecum textum nacti simus eum, quo quis aetate media vertens Latina depertitum Graecum ipsius, qui sertur (fertur) Hermae compensare studuerit.
Be that as it may, no one doubts that we have obtained a Greek text from the fragments of Simonides, with which someone in the middle ages, translating Latin, endeavored to compensate for the unearthed Greek of his own, which is set by Hermas
Hermae Pastor Graece Ex Fragmentis Lipsiensibus Instituta Quaestione De Vero Graeci Textus Lipsiensis Fonte (1856) (German Edition) (text visible online)
Patrum Apostolicorum Opera - Hermas (1857)
Albert Dressel
Tischendorf medieval retranslation accusation
Quae cum ita sint, nullus dubito quin Simonideis fragmentis Graecum textum nacti simus eum, quo quis aetate media vertens Latina deperditam Graecum ipsius, qui sertur Hermae;, compensare studuerit....
In 1857 Allard Pierson (1831-1896) gave a Dutch review of the Dressel Apostolic Fathers edition on p. 47-63. And had a section on the Hermas edition of Tischendorf, listed on the title page as:
Accedit Hermae Pastor ex fragmentis graecis Lipsiensibus, instituta quaestione de vero ejus textus fonte, auctore Const. Tischendorf.
Thus on p. 55-56 we have the most germane part.
Godgeleerde en wijsgeerige opstellen, Volume 1
Pierson is quoting the Tischendorf Latin!
‘ Quae cum ita sint, nullus dubito quin Simonideis fragmentis Graecum textum nacti simus eum, quo quis aetate media vertens Latina deperditum Graecum ipsius qui fertur Hermae compensare studuerit. Quo de interprete iam subtilius viderint alii. Non deerunt quidem qui etiam tot argumentorum coniunctorum vim subterfugiant.... Poterunt illi coniicere textum fragmentorum Lipsiensium, antiquissimus quum sit, ex Latinis, i. e. ineptissime illatis nonnullorum codicum Latinorum apertis vitiis, subinde esse corruptum. Quam coniecturam cum similibus omnibus concedamus aliis. Nobis vero de ipsa re, quemadmodum exposuimus, tantopere persuasum est, ut argumentorum plus alferre supersedeamus. Invenient plura qui Palatinum codicem, haud leve editionis P. P. A. A. Dresselianae ornamentum 2), nec neglectis iis quae praeterea ex Latinis codicibus prolata sunt proferenturque, cum Graeco textu Lipsiensi contulerint.” Waar-bij Tischendorf in een noot voegt: To which Tischendorf adds in a note: “Hunc ipsum passim ex Graeco textu nostro corrigi posse non mirum est. Graecus enim interpres quum codicem Simonideum — id quod ipsa vitiorum, quibus tria folia saeculi XIV. laborant, frequentia docet — tum codicem Palatinum aetate anteit. Correctionis talis exemplum est Vis. III. 9. “Quando ergo operas matris earum servaveris,omnes poteris videre.” Scribendum est consultis Graecis:------- servaveris omnes, poteris vivere.
Eandem in rem haud scio an ea quoque converti queant quae libro Pastoris Hermae in codice indeque etiam in Simonidis apographo praeposita leguntur. Leguntur illa quidem mirum in modum corrupta; quod magnam certe partem ex imperitia fluxit Simonidis in legendis primis maxime codicis sui foliis persaepe lapsi. Ceterum ab eo textu, quem editor princeps ex falsato Simonidis apographo hausit et in prolegomenis pag. IX conatus est restituere, magnopere differt verum apographum. Nihilominus ut iam vidit editor princeps, clarum est illud, codicis notam vel potius prologum vel maxime ab eo pendere loco hist. eccl. Euseb. (III. 3), ubi Pastoris Hermae mentio fit. Illa vero verba interpres Latini textus ad significandam libri a se Graece vertendi antiquitatem gravitatemque aptissime labori suo praeponere poterat. Quae (supra) de Graecitate Hermae Lipsieusis diximus, vim suam minime eo amittunt quod unum vel alterum ex iis quae “Latina potius quam Graeca esse” significavimus, apud Graecos non inauditum est. Hoc enim si esset, unde tandem haberet Graecus Hermae Latini interpres sermonis patrii non ignarus?
(this goes on with linguistics, this might be easier text than any original Tischendorf)
These things being so, no one doubts that we have obtained the Greek text from the fragments of Simonides, with which someone in the Middle Ages, translating the Latin, endeavored to compensate for the lost Greek of the same which is attributed to Hermas. As for the translator, others have already seen more precisely. Indeed, there will not be wanting those who can subvert the force of even so many combined arguments.... They will be able to conjecture the text of the Lipsian fragments, the most ancient that exists, from the Latins, i. e. that it was from time to time corrupted by the open faults of some of the Latin codices, very unwisely brought forth. I guess we all agree with others like that. We, however, are so convinced of the matter itself, as we have explained, that we remain to bring forth more arguments. They will find more that the Palatine codex, not a light ornament of the edition of P. P. A. A. Dresseliana 2), and not neglecting those that have been brought forth from the Latin codices and brought forward, with the Greek text of Lipsiensis." Waar-bij Tischendorf in een noot voegt: “It is not surprising that this very thing can be corrected here and there from our Greek text. For the Greek translator of the codex Simonides - that is the very vices, of which the three leaves of the 14th century they work, the frequency teaches - then the Palatine code predates the age. Force is such an example of correction. III. 9. "Then when you have observed the works of their mother, you will be able to see them all." It must be written with the help of the Greeks:------- if you save all, you will be able to live.
I do not know whether those things which are read in the book of Shepherd Hermas in the codex and from thence also in Simonides' apograph are to be converted into the same matter. They are indeed read in a strange manner corrupted; which certainly flowed a great part from Simonides' inexperience in reading the first leaves of his codex. Furthermore, from that text, which the editor-in-chief drew from the falsified apograph of Simonides and in the prolegomena on p. 9 he tried to restore, the true apograph differs greatly. Nevertheless, as the editor-in-chief has already seen, it is clear that the mark of the codex, or rather the prologue, or, depending on it, instead of the hist. etc. Eusebius (III. 3), where the shepherd Hermes is mentioned. But the translator of the Latin text was able to put the words of the translator of the Latin text in order to indicate the antiquity and gravity of the book he was translating into Greek. What we have said (above) about the Greekness of Hermas of Lipsius does not lose its force in the least because one or two of those things which we have indicated to be "Latin rather than Greek" were not unheard of among the Greeks. For if this were the case, how would a Greek Hermes, who was not ignorant of the language of his country, have an interpreter of the Latin?
Leipziger zeitung (April 17, 1859)
Tischendorf" bekanntlich Simonides einen fast"&f=false
" bekanntlich Simonides einen fast"
Notitia editionis codicis Bibliorum Sinaitici : accedit catalogus codicum nuper ex oriente Petropolin perlatorum,
item Origenis Scholia in Proverbia Salomonis, partim nunc primum partim secundum atque emendatius edita (1860)
Constantine Tischendorf
1 Lipsiensem textum in universum non veteris cuiusdam Latinorum interpretis esse, ut antea existimaveram, sed ex ipso Graeco fonte derivatum, iam primis litteris mense Martio anno 1859 de invento codice Cahira in patriam missis declaravi Cf. supra p. 10 not 1. Quam in rem haec ibi scripta sunt:
I already declared in the first letter sent to the country in March, 1859, about the discovery of the Cairo codex, that the Lipsian text was universally not that of an old Latin translator, as I had previously thought, but derived from the Greek source itself. Cf. above p. 10 note 1. (Not sure what that is a reference but we see this German in the Falkenstein April 1859 letter text). In that matter these things are written there:
„Von dem Hirten des Hermas brachte bekanntlich Simonides einen fast vollständigen griechischen Text nach Leipzig, theils in einer von ihm auf dem Athos gemachten Abschrift, theils auf drei Papierblättern aus dem 15. oder 14. Jahrhundert Nachdem dieser Text zuerst im December 1855 in einer sehr unglucklichen Entstellung herausgegeben. bald darauf auch von mir in genauerer Fassung wiederholt worden war, erhoben sich nicht geringe Zweifel darüber, ob er wirklich aus dem Alterthume stamme oder in der Hauptsache eine mittelalterliche Rückübersetzung aus dem Lateinischen enthalte. Ver allen anderen vertrat ich selbst die letztere Ansicht. Hierüber ist nunmehr durch die Handschrift, die gerade tausend Jahre älter ist als die Leipziger Blätter, volle Klarheit gewonnen; ich freue mich mittheilen zu konnen, dass der Leipziger Text nicht aus mittelalterlichen Studien, sondern aus dem alten Originaltexte hergeflowen ist. Meine entgegengesetzte Behäuptung hat sich aber insofern bewährt, als der Leipziger Text an vielen Corruptionen und auch an solchen leidet, dir ohne Zweifel aus mittelalterlicher Benutzung des lateinischen Textes, herstammen."
"As is well known, Simonides brought an almost complete Greek text of the shepherd of Hermas to Leipzig, partly in a copy made by him on Mount Athos, partly on three sheets of paper from the 15th or 14th century. After this text first appeared in December 1855 in a very unfortunate disfigurement published. soon afterwards was also repeated by me in a more precise version, no small doubts arose as to whether it really came from antiquity or whether it mainly contained a medieval translation back from Latin. To everyone else, I myself took the latter view. This has now been fully clarified by the manuscript, which is just a thousand years older than the Leipzig sheets; I am pleased to be able to announce that the Leipzig text did not come from medieval studies, but from the old original text. However, my contrary assertion has proven itself insofar as the Leipzig text suffers from many corruptions and also from such, which undoubtedly stem from the medieval use of the Latin text."
Patrum apostolicorum opera (1863)
Albert Dressel
First there is a section around p. iv on CARM from cjab
Tischendorf himself resiles from his own arguments, saying "he does not know."
"quam utrum in Latinis an in Graecis primum aliquis instituerit ambiguum est."
(Greek) Sinaiticus vero codex, Aethiops et Palatinus consentientes post (Greek) nihil additum habent. Quae in his similibusque aliis ab auctoritate Sinaitici codicis destituuntur 2, ab alia haud dubie recensione pendent, quam utrum in Latinis an in Graecis primum aliquis inslituerit ambiguum est Sed de his proxime alii videbunt, nec nobis ipsis, ut iam indicatum est, singula accuratius indagandi locum desuturum speramus. Nunc satis habemus editioni Dresselianae, diuturnis amici docti laboribus plenae, lectionibus Sinaiticis additis consuluisse, quae ut satis docent quantopere textus Lipsiensis, quamvis haud contemnendus sit, ab antiqua veritate deflexerit, ita totam eam quam praebent Pastoris partem exceptis paucis antiquo nitori reddunt.
But the Sinaitic codex, the Ethiopian and the Palatine agreeing after (Greek) have nothing added. What in these and similar others is omitted from the authority of the Sinaitic code, 2 depends, without doubt, on another review, than whether it was in the Latins or in the Greeks that someone first slipped in is doubtful. We hope that the place will be closed. Now we have enough to consult the Dresselian edition, full of the labors of a long-time learned friend, with additions to the Sinaitic readings, which sufficiently show how much the Leipzig text, although not to be despised, has deviated from the ancient truth, so that they restore the whole of it which they present to the ancient spirit, with the exception of a few of the part of the Shepherd.
1) Capite vero quarto exeunte verba gravissima "sicum scriptum est" minime Latino interpreti, ut suspicari licebat, sed ipsi scriptori vindicate codex Sinaiticus.
1) At the end of the fourth chapter, the most important words, "so it is written," were not at all to the Latin translator, as might be suspected, but to the writer himself, claiming the Sinaiticus codex.
The retraction is here on p. 45-46. Tischendorf had accused the Simonides Hermas, but found that embarrassing when it was time to publish the Sinai Hermas. The arguments made by him against the authenticity of the Simonides text could be adducible against Sinaiticus authenticiy.
Journal of Sacred Literature - July 1859
Leipziger Zeitung - April 17, 1859
Tischendorf from Cairo to Von Falkenstein - March 15, 1859.
Simonides confessedly brought a very perfect Greek text to Leipzig, part copied by him from a MS. at Mount Athos, and part upon three paper leaves of the fourteenth or fifteenth century. After this text was published in December 1855, and repeated soon after by me more accurately, considerable doubt arose about it, whether it was really ancient or a mediaeval translation from the Latin. I especially opposed the last view, (see below, this is claimed to be a Cowper mistranslation) and my opinion is confirmed by these leaves', at least 1000 years older, shewing that the Leipsig text had been derived from the original, but is corrupt, and that in consequence of a mediaeval use of the Latin.
The Scottish scholar James Donaldson noted this problem.
Then we have the New Finds of 1975, showing that the Codex Sinaiticus had in fact been the full text.
Would the Sinaiticus controversies give him a motive for truncating the text?
Uspensky saw Hermas in 1845, likely the full text, there was no indication that it was just the first sections.
A solid 1859 summary
The Literary Churchman (1859)
Tischendorf's Recent Discovery
Dr. Tischendorf then, goes on to state that this MS. comprises, besides this perfect copy of the New Testament, two other treatises of great value. These are the epistle ascribed to Barnabas, although not really written by him, in a more perfect condition than that in which it is found elsewhere. All the Greek MSS. hitherto known—and they are of a late date—are deficient in the beginning, having lost the first five chapters, which have been hitherto known only from the bad Latin translation. The other treatise is the Greek of the "Pastor" of Hermas. Dr. Tischendorf, it will be remembered, published in the Patres Apostolici of Dressel a Greek copy of the Hermas, from the MS. obtained through Simonides. Of this edition we gave an account at the time, stating the opinion of Tischendorf as to the text, which he considered to be a mediaeval re-translation from the Latin. LIT CHURCH., vol. iii. No. .5.) He informs us now that this is not the case, but that the published text represents the original Greek. But he considers that there was, nevertheless, some ground for his suspicion in the numerous corruptions of the text, some of which arose from the use of the Latin text in the middle ages. ...
[Since the above article was in type, we have had an opportunity of reading Mr. Cowper's translation of the letter of Tischendorf, in the "Journal of Sacred Literature." We believe he has mistaken one paragraph completely. He makes Tischendorf declare that he opposed the notion that the Greek text of Simonides is a mediaeval translation. If our memory--for we have returned the letter to Messrs. W. and N. —does not deceive us, Tischendorf says exactly the contrary. At all events, such was the fact. Here are his own words in Dressel's book :—Quae cum ita sint, nullus dubito quin Simonideis fragmentis Graecum textum nacti simus eum, quo quis aetate media vertens Latina deperditam Graecum ipsius, qui sertur Hermae;, compensare studuerit. Words cannot be plainer. We have omitted a sentence of Tischendorf, in which he appears to identify the new MS. with the Codex Frederico-Augustanus, but his expressions are very ambiguous. Mr. Cowper has translated it, as relating to this MS. without any hesitation. We do not see whether he alludes to this or some other discovery. Time will shew.]
The Literary Churchman adds some warnings about the Tischendorf antiquity claims for the ms.
For ourselves, we will only say that we must be content to suspend our opinion until we have further information, without, in the meantime, entirely acceding to the statements of Dr Tischendorf as to the antiquity of the MS. He is, as we all know, the first authority in such matters, but in the first warmth of delight at so great a discovery we feel it possible that his enthusiasm may in some degree have warped his judgment. That a wonderful discovery in regard to Biblical criticism has been made, there can be no doubt; whether the MS. will eventually prove to be as old and as valuable as Dr. Tischendorf now believes it to he, must be ascertained by the result.
And a bit about how the loan-purchase-ownership question was seen at the time.
Persons who are usually very well informed on such matters have inferred, on what grounds we do not know, that the MS. itself has been purchased by the Emperor of Russia. We can only state that we do not see any grounds for such an opinion in the letter of Dr. Tischendorf. He promises to transcribe and publish the MS. under the patronage of the Emperor of Russia; this appears to be all for which his letter gives any authority
The Shepherd of Hermas, tr. with an intr. and notes by Charles Holland Hoole (1870)
Hermas... The Greek original disappeared, and it was long known only in a Latin version. But a few years ago a Greek version of the greater part of Hermas was discovered by Simonides in Mount Athos. This is now called the Codex Lipsiensis.1 The character of the discoverer caused it at first to be regarded with suspicion, and it was asserted by Tischendorf that it was in reality not the Greek original, but a translation from the Latin version into Greek, executed in the middle ages. The recently discovered Codex Sinaiticus, however, was found to contain a considerable portion of a Greek version of Hermas substantially the same as that of the Codex Lipsiensis and as the Codex Sinaiticus can hardly be put at a later date than 520 A.D., it can scarcely be doubted that the Greek version which it contains is the original of Hermas, as it cannot be supposed that the Greek version had then disappeared. The style of the Greek too is, on the whole, what might have been expected from the supposed date and authorship : Hellenistic, not entirely free from grammatical errors, by no means equal in power and dignity to the books of the New Testament, but simple and intelligible, and well adapted for popular reading.
... 1 Tischendorf has retracted his objections to the Greek text of the Codex Lipsiensis since the discovery of the Codex Sinaiticus; Hilgenfeld and Canon Westcott accept the Greek as genuine. But it is attacked at length by Mr. Donaldson in his History of Christian Literature and Doctrine, vol. i. p. 309.
The Church Review, Volume 13 (1871)
The Sinaitic Codex of the Bible
"We conclude this portion of our inquiry with a reference to the light, thrown by the the Sinaitic Hermas upon the Greek text of Simonides, which Dr. Tischendorf now admits to have been a copy from the original, modified by a Latin Version, and not a medieval Greek retranslation of the Latin, as he supposed. This is important, because it relieves poor Simonides of one of the many sins laid to his charge."
Bibliotheca Sacra (1876)
Caspar René Gregory
This was followed by a contest about the text which Simonides had used for his Hermas. Tischendorf insisted at first that it was a text made by retranslation from the Latin; but after he found the part of Hermas in the Sinaitic manuscript, he at once said that the text used by Simonides was from the original Greek, though corrupted by use of the middle age Latin text.
Gregory was a solid supporter of Tischendorf, in a sense his protege.
History of the Christian Church, Volume II: Ante-Nicene Christianity. A.D. 100-325
Philip Schaff
(1891) (1884)
The older editions give only the imperfect Latin Version, first published by Faber Stapulensis (Par. 1513). Other Latin MSS. were discovered since. The Greek text (brought from Mt. Athos by Constantine Simonides, and called Cod. Lipsiensis was first published by R. Anger, with a preface by G. Dindorf (Lips. 1856); then by Tischendorf, in Dressels Patres Apost., Lips 1857 (p.572-637): again in the second ed. 1863, where Tischendorf, in consequence of the intervening discovery of the Cod. Sinaiticus retracted his former objections to the originality of the Greek Hermas from Mt. Athos, which he had pronounced a mediaeval retranslation from the Latin (see the Proleg., Appendix and Preface to the second ed.).... The texts from Mt. Athos and Mt. Sinai substantially agree.
This all leads into the analysis of the Scottish scholar, James Donaldson.
James Donaldson says that much of the opposition raised by Tischendorf is in fact adducible to the Sinaiticus ms, that linguistically the Hermas and Barnabas mss are not from the antiquity time supposed.
And the related questions regarding the history of the 1843 Barnabas publication.
Steven Avery
from Dressel edition, right after ‘Maximo, fix above
—Quae quem ita sint, nullus dubito quin Simonideis fragmentis Graecum textum nacti simus eum, quo quis aetate media vertens Latina depertitum Graecum ipsius, qui sertur (fertur) Hermae compensare studuerit.
Be that as it may, no one doubts that we have obtained a Greek text from the fragments of Simonides, with which someone in the middle ages, translating Latin, endeavored to compensate for the unearthed Greek of his own, which is set by Hermas
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