Steven Avery
This will be the central spot for three crosses note info.
Michael Swift on the:
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μεχρι του ϲημειου τω
τριων ϲταυρων εϲτι
το τελοϲ των επτα
φυλλων τω
περιϲϲων κ(αι)
μη οντω
του εϲ
δρα §
noticed the strangeness of the claim that this note was only put in approximately 300 years after the production of the manuscript!
compare 1846 book
For dating theories that involve this three crosses note, e.g. from Elijah Hixson
or Michael Swift, this is one resource, especially the section p. 149-158. (As we know, Tischendorf did not give reasons for his dates.)
A handbook of Greek and Latin palaeography (1893)
Edward Maunde Thompson
1912 edition begins here
Is there anything especially unique in the note that would not show up in the everyday writing of a Simonides or a Tischendorf?
PureBibleForum Info Collation
three crosses note - 7th century? - scribal mess noticed 300 years after production ?
the script of Simonides - the 'three crosses' note
twofold signification of the three crosses note
CPamph corrector - only on the Leipzig section - 2nd quire numbers - knows ancient style - Tischendorf?
two copies of Chronicles is evidence that work was done on the manuscript in Sinai
navigating the Codex Sinaiticus Project (CSP) pictures and data - where is the CFA
Smaller Refs
why the James Keith Elliott book tells you very little about Sinaiticus authenticity
p. 50 - Elliott mixes up the Esdras note with the three crosses note
Michael Swift on the:
Facebook PureBibleForum
μεχρι του ϲημειου τω
τριων ϲταυρων εϲτι
το τελοϲ των επτα
φυλλων τω
περιϲϲων κ(αι)
μη οντω
του εϲ
δρα §
Question: Has anyone here done a review of the three crosses note in the Sinaiticus? If so, what are your findings as to the scribal hand? Is the hand linked to any other hand in Aleph? The marginal note contains information about an insertion of Chronicles into 2 Esdras by mistake. What kind of sloppy scribe would not only miss a verse here and there in 2 Esdras, but get the entire book copy wrong? Maybe a bored 19 year old kid?
It reads
μεχρι του ϲημειου τω
τριων ϲταυρων εϲτι
το τελοϲ των επτα
φυλλων τω
περιϲϲων κ(αι)
μη οντω
του εϲ
SA: ‘at the sign of the three crosses is the end of the seven leaves which are superfluous and not part of Esdras’.
μεχρι του ϲημειου τω τριων ϲταυρων εϲτι
το τελοϲ των επτα φυλλων τω περιϲϲων κ(αι) μη οντω του εϲδρα
Q35-4r "a large intrusion from 1 Chronicles into 2 Esdras "
(7th 8th century "at the sign of the three crosses
Three Crosses
1 Chronicles (duplicate), 18:15 - 19:17 / 2 Esdras, 9:9 - 9:11 library: LUL folio: iv_v scribe: A
... This note is a key. This note is truly bizarre. This does not appear to be anything but a practice and correction copy. I suppose a professional scribe could accidentally begin copying the wrong book into 2 Esdras, but that doesn't sound too likely to me. If this is the best commissioned scribe they could find, they had problems indeed.
... the hand of this corrector's note I have learned is c. 7th century. So, what they expect me to believe is that a corrector did not catch this error till the 7th century? Really? That's what I'm supposed to believe? This went on happily for 300 years until one keen scribe in the 7th century noticed that Chronicles had been inserted into 2 Esdras? They didn't read it much apparently. There's a lot of funny business about this manuscript. Too many things don't add up.
... here's the rub: this note actually makes no logical sense. It certainly looks to be a 7th century script. I can't argue with that. And our Sinaiticus script appears to be from the 5th century according to the Handbook of Greek and Latin Paleography. So, we have an 'apparent' spread of 200 years presumably. Except this is not the kind of note that would have been spread over 200 years. This copy of this Bible would not have even made it out of the scriptorium in such shoddy state. So, there is no sense in this at all. This one note is a time bomb.
... I sure can't make any kind of sense out of it if this Sinaiticus is supposed to be an ancient document. I mean here is one real example of something that simply would never have happened. Word corrections, maybe. Entire sections of books inserted into the wrong book not caught for 200 years? Uh, no.
noticed the strangeness of the claim that this note was only put in approximately 300 years after the production of the manuscript!
compare 1846 book
For dating theories that involve this three crosses note, e.g. from Elijah Hixson
the hand of the three crosses note is—and I believe this strongly enough that I am tempted to write a short note on the date of the cpamph corrections and try to publish it in a journal—upright ogival majuscule that is completely consistent with a 6th century date, I might allow something into the early 7th, but most likely 6th century.
or Michael Swift, this is one resource, especially the section p. 149-158. (As we know, Tischendorf did not give reasons for his dates.)
A handbook of Greek and Latin palaeography (1893)
Edward Maunde Thompson
1912 edition begins here
Is there anything especially unique in the note that would not show up in the everyday writing of a Simonides or a Tischendorf?
PureBibleForum Info Collation
three crosses note - 7th century? - scribal mess noticed 300 years after production ?
the script of Simonides - the 'three crosses' note
twofold signification of the three crosses note
CPamph corrector - only on the Leipzig section - 2nd quire numbers - knows ancient style - Tischendorf?
two copies of Chronicles is evidence that work was done on the manuscript in Sinai
navigating the Codex Sinaiticus Project (CSP) pictures and data - where is the CFA
Smaller Refs
why the James Keith Elliott book tells you very little about Sinaiticus authenticity
p. 50 - Elliott mixes up the Esdras note with the three crosses note
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