Steven Avery
Dirk Jongkind
The hand which inserted the Eusebian apparatus is not assignable to any of the scriptorium hands and is therefore labelled by Lake as scribe E.
Kirsopp Lake = 1911
Kirsopp Lake pro Deo...cripture/Codex Sinaiticus N.T. (1911)_OCR.txt
Scribe E added the Eusebian Apparatus, and Scribe S added the o t íx q i to the Epistles.
The hand which inserted the Eusebian apparatus is not assignable to any of the scriptorium hands and is therefore labelled by Lake as scribe E.
Kirsopp Lake = 1911
(3) The Eusebian Canons: This is added in red, by a hand which is shown by the argument given above (p. xix) to be anterior to the cancel-leaves of Scribe D, and therefore to belong to the scriptorium. Whether this scribe can be identified with any of the original scribes or correctors is doubtful: it is impossible to decide definitely as the numerals do not afford sufficient evidence. I suggest that he should be called "Scribe E".
Kirsopp Lake pro Deo...cripture/Codex Sinaiticus N.T. (1911)_OCR.txt
Scribe E, the writer of the Eusebian apparatus.
All these writers worked on the MS. before it left the scriptorium. It is highly probable that the same is true of some of those which remain to be considered, but evidence is not forthcoming.
Scribe E added the Eusebian Apparatus, and Scribe S added the o t íx q i to the Epistles.
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