Schaff on Tischendorf and Sinaiticus - heroic romance

Steven Avery

The New Testament in the Original Greek, Volume 1 (1882)
Introduction by Schaff

heroic romance
that noble Czar.. terrible death at the hands of the Nihilists i 1881
transcribng it at Cairo
excusable vanity
7 publicatoins
sub-prior kindled up in indignation ... thief

Steven Avery

The story of the discovery, which made Tischendorf one of the happiest men I ever knew, reads like an heroic romance. His three journeys from Leipsic to Mount Sinai, in pursuit of manuscript treasures, in 1844, 1853, and 1859; his first rescue of forty-three leaves of the Septuagint from a waste-basket in the Convent of St. Catharine in 1844: his final discovery of the whole Cod. Sinaiticus in 1859, with the powerful aid of the recommendation of that noble Czar who met such a terrible death at the hands of the Nihilists in 1881;his patient labor in transcribing it at Cairo, and in its publication at Leipsic, in connection with a great national event of the Russian empire; his controversy with the Greek Simonides, who impudently claimed to have written the codex on Mount Athos in 1839 and 1840 - are all told by himself, not without some excusable vanity, in his Beise in den Orient (1845-46), and Aus dem Tieil. Lande (1862) his Notitia Codicis Sinaitici (1860); the Prolegomena to his editions (1862 and 1865); and his two controversial pamphlets, Die Anfechtungen der Sinaibibel (1863), and Waffen der Finsterniss wider die Sinaibibel (1863). When, on a visit to Mount Sinai in March, 1877, I saw a copy of the magnificent four- volume edition in the convent library, and mentioned the name of Tischendorf, the sub-prior kindled up in indignation and called him a thief, who had stolen their greatest treasure on the pretext of a temporary loan ... Schaff,A Companion to the Greek Testament and the English Version, p . 261 , 1883

Also in
The New Testament in the Original Greek, Volume 1