Steven Avery
More on the Sam Shamoun Mariolatry and vicious ranting
Sam Shamoun is Demonic - The Bible Refutes Heretics! 4:03
Sam Shamoun manifests DEMONS 2:08
William Albrecht and the Immaculate Conception - 1:31:18 - this is in the TRA thread. at a specific point
William Albrecht on Mary's Prepurification - 1:53:16
The Queen of Heaven and the Bible - 2:29:07
Perpetual Virginity
Immaculate Conception
Sam Shamoun is Demonic - The Bible Refutes Heretics! 4:03
Sam Shamoun manifests DEMONS 2:08
William Albrecht and the Immaculate Conception - 1:31:18 - this is in the TRA thread. at a specific point
William Albrecht on Mary's Prepurification - 1:53:16
The Queen of Heaven and the Bible - 2:29:07
Perpetual Virginity
Immaculate Conception