Revelation corrections transferred from 4th to 7th century due to Sinaiticus-Andreas dating difficulties

Steven Avery

This introduction speaks it clearer!

Studies on the Text of the New Testament and Early Christianity: Essays in Honour of Michael W. Holmes (2015)
Nestle-Aland 28 and the Revision of the Apocalypse’s Textual History
Juan Hernandez Jr.


.... the altered correctors of Revelation in na28 signal a departure from one of the dominant textual paradigms in textual criticism. na28’s transfer of corrections from the fourth through sixth centuries to the seventh, it turns out, undercuts Josef Schmid’s longstanding claim that the Andreas text-type stems from the fourth century. The claim itself, Hernandez notes, was based partly on the putative fourth-century corrections of Codex Sinaiticus. That contention is now in question with the revised dating. Hernandez additionally explores

