Steven Avery
Do uneven colours within a page, and from page to page, indicate deliberate staining?
How can we determine if stains are accidental, or forgery-related to make a manuscript "yellow with age"
Can we utilize stained manuscripts, like the tobacco-water stains of Simonides as exemplars
If a manuscript is split in two places, can the fact that one is essentially unstained and the other is heavily stained, be a marker for tampering?
Who does any ongoing research in these areas?
Why are stains virtually ignored .. e.g. in the Sinaiticus science?
How can we determine if stains are accidental, or forgery-related to make a manuscript "yellow with age"
Can we utilize stained manuscripts, like the tobacco-water stains of Simonides as exemplars
If a manuscript is split in two places, can the fact that one is essentially unstained and the other is heavily stained, be a marker for tampering?
Who does any ongoing research in these areas?
Why are stains virtually ignored .. e.g. in the Sinaiticus science?