Masoretic Text == Textus Receptus (OT) and first use Textus Receptus and Received Text

Steven Avery

Masoretic Text == Textus Receptus (OT)

Found in Translation: Essays on Jewish Biblical Translation in Honor of Leonard J. Greenspoon (2018)
“Proto-Masoretic,” “Pre-Masoretic,” “Semi-Masoretic, and “Masoretic”: A Study in Terminology and Textual Theory
Emanuel Tov

The consonantal precursor of MT was often not given a name, and instead the term “textus receptus” was used. Thus Claudius Cappellanus (1667), Erhard Andreas Frommann (1761), Theodor Noldeke (1868), and Abraham Kuenen (1873) believed that the existence of this “textus receptus” in the first centuries CE can be proven from Scripture quotations in the New Testament and in rabbinic literature.2 In an insightful analysis, Justus Olshausen (1853) is aware that there were ancient Hebrew texts similar to the medieval MT in the first century CE.3



These are simply my bookmark links.

The Hebrew Text of the Old testament
Ira Maurice Price
On the Text of the Torah
Gil Student

Rashi's Commentary on Psalms
by Mayer I. Gruber

The Received Text A Brief Look at the Textus Receptus by G. W. and D. E. Anderson (1999)

Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies - p. 218

The book of the prophet Jeremiah and that of the Lamentations : translated from the original Hebrew; with a commentary, critical, philological, and exegetical (1851) p. 97
by Ebenezer Hendoerson, 1784-1858

Everardus van der Hooght (1642-1716), the Last of the Christian Hebraists in the Dutch Republic (2005)
Rena Fuks-Mansfeld

Crowned with Glory
Thomas Holland

James D. Price

Let's Roll Forums
The Textus Receptus & Masoretic Texts
What is the Textus Receptus? by Dr. Herbert Samworth

Textus Receptus/Masoretic Text-based
foreign language Bibles

Facebook - Textus Receptus Academy

Facebook - TRA - (2021)


More info coming from William Fulke - used Received Text before Elzevir, also Gregory Martin

William Whitaker (1548?1595) and William Fulke (1538-1589) .Thomas Cartwright, Edward Bulkeley, George Wither and Thomas Bilson (KJB labourer) (check this post in email archives)

Moderated King James Bible

Facebook - Pure Bible - William Fulke post

(1590) Consilia: iuxta ordinem decretalium dispositi - Martín de Azpilcueta -

(1607) (1618) Dn. Ioannis Gutierrez iurisconsulti praeclarissimi Hispani - Juan Gutiérrez, Giovanni Battista Coccini - first use "Archepiscopo desumptum; vus Ecclesiae quo ad hoc tanquam textus receptus est:"

Dissertatio Theologica De Praedestinatione Et Reprobatione Hominum - Kaspar Lechner, Johann Straub - first use "ad Electionem requireretur distantia eligendorum (quod certum est eum postea neauisse) & interpunction variaretur quod tamen textus receptus non admittit

first use textus receptus - in my bookmarks
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Steven Avery

Facebook - 2021 - Textus Receptus Academy

Grantley Robert McDona;d
Thought for the day.
In the Latin usage of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, a “textus receptus” was a standardised text, a consensus text that scholars could agree on when they wanted to engage with other scholars. The phrase “textus receptus” was originally used to refer to legal texts. If lawyers are going to argue about the details of a particular law, they obviously have to agree on the wording and the content of that law. When the Elzeviers called their edition a “textus receptus,” they simply meant that it presented a text that everyone could use as a standard reference in scholarly disputes. It certainly did not mean that it was “received” from God, or specially inspired over other forms of the text. To make such claims for a printed edition of a legal text would be absurd. Rather, the Elzevier/Heinsius editions accurately presented a text on which scholars, given the state of their knowledge of the history of the text at the time, had settled upon, and could agree upon as the basis for disputes.

BCEME - p. 138
The phrase textus receptus was not originally a theological term, but was used by early modern canon lawyers to designate a commonly accepted, and thus normative, form of a given legal text to which they could appeal in cases of dispute.75

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Steven Avery

1555 for books
textus receptus - (1555) - Las siete partidas del sabio rey Don Alonso el Nono, nueuamente glosadas pro ... - Castile (Kingdom).


Castile (Kingdom). dhe Africátlan ... ( 20 ) . en que auia muchas faltas y errores , assi en Con esta elaboración se logró lo que se los libros impresos de molde , como en los podría llamar « textus receptus ) , que acabaescritos de mano » ( 17 ) .


Castile (Kingdom), dhe Africatlan ... (20).
de que ya os teniamos dado preuilegio, para que otra persona alguna no lo pudiesse imprimir, ni vender, os ocupastes muy largo tiempo en corregir el texto de las dichas siete partidas, en que auia muchas faltas y errores, assi en Con esta elaboracion se logro lo que se los libros impresos de molde, como en los podria llamar« textus receptus), que acabaescritos de mano » (17). En el mismo sentido ría con la variedad hasta entonces existente . se manifiesta la Cédula Real que figura al La obra se imprimió en Salamanca , en la ya final de la edición : « Por quanto nos auiendo acreditada imprenta de Andrea de Portonariis, vigilando personalmente toda la impresión el mismo Gregorio López. Se hizo un ejemplar en pergamino con destino al Archivo Real, para que su letra hiciera fe en todos los casos de duda (2 1). libros. Y mandamos poner y fue puesto el dicho libro en nuestro archiuo, en la fortaleza de Simancas, para los ...
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Steven Avery

Las Siete Partidas. Tomo III: de Alfonso X el Sabio, glosadas por el licenciado Gregorio López, del Consejo Real de Indias (1985)
The Seven Games. Volume III: of Alfonso X the Wise, glossed by the lawyer Gregorio López, of the Royal Council of the Indies


Con esta elaboración se logró lo que se podría llamar «textus receptus», que acabaría con la variedad hasta entonces existente. La obra se imprimió en Salamanca, en la ya acreditada imprenta de Andrea de Portonariis, vigilando personalmente toda la impresión el mismo Gregorio López. Se hizo un ejemplar en pergamino con destino al Archivo Real, para que su letra hiciera fe en todos los casos de duda (21).

With this elaboration, what could be called "textus receptus" was achieved, which would put an end to the variety that had existed until then. The work was printed in Salamanca, in the already accredited printing house of Andrea de Portonariis, with Gregorio López himself watching over all the printing. A parchment copy was made for the Royal Archives, so that its handwriting would be faith in all cases of doubt (21)

textus receptus.jpg

This may not count, all the 1900s look back?
Skip posts 3 and 4.
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Steven Avery

De quatuor plaustris haereticarum fabularum (1563)
By Arnold Mermannus


omnia sibi licere arbitrati stringunt censoriam, quam itidem divinam vocant. Virgilum, quumque nihil præter scripturæ textum receptum velint ( de quo fabulamento posteà habebitur , compluribus hereticis suiffe familiare interpretantur vt placet , vtque libet , nunc fic , mox aliter aliterque vniuerfa & illud quondam fidei vene rabilc ...
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Steven Avery

Facebook - Christopher Yetzer

Early developments in the phrase Textus Receptus.

In 1582 Gregory Martin published a document titled “A Discoverie of the Manifold Corruptions of the Holy Scriptures...” wherein he argues that the English Bibles done by “the Heretikes” are corrupt. Dr. William Faulke of Cambridge took up the charge of confronting Martin’s claims and published "A Defense of the sincere and true Translations of the holie Scriptures...” In the book Faulke gives a portion of Martin's accusations and then his response followed by another accustion and response. In Martin’s preface he had stated that the heretics did not agree with their own Greek texts, but they manipulate them to their favor. He points out Matthew 10:2 saying,
“Well, say we, if you will needs have it so, take your pleasure in choosing your text. And if you will stand to it, grant us that Peter was chief among the apostles, because your own Greek text saith, 'The first, Peter.' No, saith Beza, we will grant you no such thing; for these words were added to the Greek text by one that favoured Peter’s primacy. Is it so? then you will not stand to this Greek text neither? Not in this place, saith Beza.”

Faulke responds,
“In granting Peter to be the first, we need not grant him to be the chief; and if we grant him to be the chief, it followeth not that he is chief in authority. But if that were granted, it is not necessary that he was head of the church. And albeit that were also granted, the bishop of Rome could gain nothing by it.” He goes on to demonstrate that Beza did not say that the words were added but questioned if they might have been, while clearly defending them. Faulke also mentions that Beza defended the same words being added to Mark 3:16 while both the Latin Vulgate and the “common received text” did not include them.

This seems to be the first time the phrase “received text” is mentioned in print (At least in reference to the Bible. Martín de Azpilcueta in some of his printings includes the exact phrase “textus receptus” in Latin, but it is used in legal context not religious, as well as does Juan Gutiérrez.) and it appears to be in reference to the generally accepted standard Greek text against the opinion of Beza.

Another interesting use (although not in reference to Greek) is found in the documents relating to the French Synod of Alez which was held from October 1, 1620 to December 2, 1620. Diodati had been hoping that the Synod would grant their permission for him to print his revision of the 1588 Pastors and Professors of Geneva French Bible. Unfortunately the synod did not favor his enterprise and made it clear that they desired no new translation to be made. In their response though they did open the possibility of adding new annotations to the French Bible which they called, “the common received Translation”.

Then in 1633 in the preface to the Greek New Testament printed by the Elzevir Brothers is mentioned, “You [dear reader] have therefore the text now received by all in which we give nothing changed or corrupted.”

Steven Avery

Christopher Yetzer
In the 1500s the phrase “received text” was being used to indicate a generally accepted authoratative statement or text. Martín de Azpilcueta in some of his printings includes the exact phrase “textus receptus” in Latin, but it is used in legal context not religious, as well as does Juan Gutiérrez.

In 1582 Gregory Martin published a document titled A Discoverie of the Manifold Corruptions of the Holy Scriptures wherein he argued that the English Bibles done by “the Heretikes” were corrupt. The following year Dr. William Faulke of Cambridge took up the charge of confronting Martin’s claims and published a A Defense of the sincere and true Translations of the holie Scriptures. In his book Faulke gave an answer to Martin’s preface which was then followed by individual accusations by Martin and Faulke’s defense against Martin’s claims. In Martin’s preface he had stated that the heretics did not agree with their own Greek texts, but that they manipulated them to their favor. He pointed out Matthew 10:2 saying, “Well, say we, if you will needs have it so, take your pleasure in choosing your text. And if you will stand to it, grant us that Peter was chief among the apostles, because your own Greek text saith, ‘The first, Peter.’ No, saith Beza, we will grant you no such thing; for these words were added to the Greek text by one that favoured Peter’s primacy. Is it so? then you will not stand to this Greek text neither? Not in this place, saith Beza.” Faulke responded “In granting Peter to be the first, we need not grant him to be the chief; and if we grant him to be the chief, it followeth not that he is chief in authority. But if that were granted, it is not necessary that he was head of the church. And albeit that were also granted, the bishop of Rome could gain nothing by it.” He went on to demonstrate that Beza did not say that the words were added but questioned if they might have been added while clearly defending their inclusion. Faulke also mentioned that Beza defended the same words being added to Mark 3:16 while both the Latin Vulgate and the “common received text” did not include them. This seems to be the first time in a biblical context the phrase received text is mentioned in print and it appears to be in reference to the generally accepted standard Greek text of the time.

Beza in writing to Cambridge when giving them Codex Bezae said, “On the contrary it seems to me that I have discovered many [readings] worthy of great attention; also some which differ from the received Scripture but in such a way that they agree with the writings of some old fathers, both Greek and Latin, and finally not a few through which the old Latin edition [the Vulgate] is confirmed.”

1607 Richard Bernard The faithful Shepheard ‘It is not fit that everie one be a publike controller of a publike received translation.’

Again the idea of a received text was used in the preface of the 1609 Douai Bible which read, “S. Isidorus witnesseth that S. Ieroms version was received and approve by al Christian Churches.”

At the Synod of Dordt: “In the first place caution was given that an entirely new version was not to be furnished, but an old version, long received by the Church,”

Another interesting use (although not in reference to Greek) is found in the documents relating to the French Synod of Alez which was held from October 1, 1620 to December 2, 1620. Giovanni Diodati had been hoping that the Synod would grant their permission for him to print his revision of the 1588 Pastors and Professors of Geneva French Bible. Unfortunately the Synod did not favor his enterprise and made it clear that they desired no new translation to be made. However in their response they did open the possibility that Diodati could add new annotations to the 1588 French Bible which they called, “the common received Translation”.

Then in 1633 in the preface to the Greek New Testament printed by the Elzevir Brothers is mentioned, “You
[dear reader] have therefore the text[textum] now received[receptum] by all in which we give nothing changed or corrupted.” In 1655 a sales catalogue of manuscripts and rare books was printed. On page 33 Stephanus’ 1550 folio Greek New Testament is listed and the catalogue mentions, “The third and most important of R. Stephanus’ editions, known as the Editio Regia. From this the “Textus Receptus,” found in ordinary Greek Testaments, is substantially derived.”

I do wonder though if the KJV translators would have made Beza's changes. I certainly think they agreed with most of them, but would they have made them without his input? Textus Receptus appreciates more the lineage than just the KJV translators.