lists of Simonides library and document sources around the world

Steven Avery

Sister thread:

Notes on Simonides publication lists
Gennadius Library
Constantinos Simonidis in the Gennadius Library (2011)
Pasquale Massimo Pinto

... collections of considerable extent ...

British Library (London), the
Bodleian Library (Oxford), and the
libraries of Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.).

In Greece, books by Simonidis are kept in the

University Library of Crete (4 items), the
University Library of Thessaloniki (5 items), the
Korais Library of Chios (I item), the
Korgialenios Library of Cephalonia (I item), and the
Municipal Center for Historical Research and Documentation of Volos (I item).

In Athens, a few copies of Simonidis' works can also be found in the

Gennadius Library (many copies - added to list as it was the subject of the article)
National Library, the
University Library, the
Library of Parliament, the
Library of the Academy of Athens, the
Library of the Benaki Museum, and the
Library of the German Archaeological Institute.

A census of the extant copies all over the world is currently being carried out.
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Steven Avery

Notes on Simonides publication lists

12 The genuine or fake manuscripts sold by Simonides in Europe are not cataloged. There are those in
the National Library (Athens),
the British Library (London),
the Bodleian Library (Oxford),
the Austrian National Library (Vienna)
in the Bibliotheque de Chatres (France),
the City Museum (Liverpool) and seemingly also in other collections.

SA Note
Gennadius (Gennadeion) in Athens has a fine collection referenced in the Pasquale Massimo Pinto writings.
University of Thessalonika supplied the very critical Epistle of Barnabas

In Germany, Leipzig University might especially help with the Hermas editions, and they have the Codex Friderico-Augustanus. THe Sinaiticus fragments in St. Petersburg and Sinai are also very important. However, one scholar, I think one of the Italians, wrote to me that he had tried, and they found nothing in Leipzig.
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Steven Avery

check with Pasquale Messimo Pinto abou thiis census !

A census of the extant copies all over the world is currently being carried out.

Steven Avery

needed to study in Melbourne - Deane, Hodgkin, Stewart

Original Lists are on this thread:

The Fry collection: papers relating to B. W. Newton, S. P. Tregelles, F. W. Wyatt, A. C. Fry, and others, at the Christian Brethren Archive of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester

See the Stunt paper on Tregelles. This archive may have some good material.
The Grolier Club resources in Manhattan, NYC

The Grolier Club resources in Manhattan, NYC

RLIN ID No. NYGG01-A18 Creator Simonides, Constantine, 1820-1867. Title Papers relating to the Codex Sinaiticus, probably forged by Constantine Simonides, ca. 1856-1863. Physical Description 1 box (.25 linear ft.) Historical/Biographical Note Constantine Simonides was an exceptionally skillful calligrapher who is alleged to have sold spurious documents (as well as possibly some that were genuine) in England in the 1850s and 1860s. Among his clients were Sir Frederick Madden at the British Museum and Sir Thomas Phillipps. Simonides resided in the monasteries on Mount Athos between 1839 and 1841 and again in 1852, during which time he may have acquired or sold some of the manuscripts that he later sold. He was in England between 1853 and 1855 and then in France and Germany. In 1862 Simonides published in English journals his claim to have written the Codex Sinaiticus, which the scholar Constantine von Tischendorf had discovered at Mount Sinai some years earlier and maintained had been be written during the 4th century C.E. Scope and Contents Papers relating to Codex Sinaiticus and Constantine Simonides’ assertion that he had forged it. Includes manuscript letters dated 1856-1863. Facsimile (?) of manuscript. Letter to A.N.L. Munby from Andreas Mayor at Sothebys regarding the Codex. Includes offprints about Simonides and the manuscript. Names Mayor, Andreas. Correspondence. Munby, A. N. L. (Alan Noel Latimer), 1913-1974. Correspondence. Subjects Simonides, Constantine, 1820-1867. Bible. Greek. Codex sinaiticus. Forgeries. Forgery of manuscripts. Location Grolier Club, 47 East 60th Street, New York, N.Y. 10022-1098. Text/Archive info from

Constantine Simonides: Papers Relating to the Codex Sinaiticus, ca. 1856-1863


Simonides, Constantine, 1820-1867.

Papers relating to the Codex Sinaiticus, probably forged by Constantine Simonides, ca. 1856-1863.

Physical Description
1 box (.25 linear ft.)

Historical/Biographical Note

Constantine Simonides was an exceptionally skillful calligrapher who is alleged to have sold spurious documents (as well as possibly some that were genuine) in England in the 1850s and 1860s. Among his clients were Sir Frederick Madden at the British Museum and Sir Thomas Phillipps. Simonides resided in the monasteries on Mount Athos between 1839 and 1841 and again in 1852, during which time he may have acquired or sold some of the manuscripts that he later sold. He was in England between 1853 and 1855 and then in France and Germany. In 1862 Simonides published in English journals his claim to have written the Codex Sinaiticus, which the scholar Constantine von Tischendorf had discovered at Mount Sinai some years earlier and maintained had been be written during the 4th century C.E.

Scope and Contents

Papers relating to Codex Sinaiticus and Constantine Simonides’ assertion that he had forged it. Includes manuscript letters dated 1856-1863. Facsimile (?) of manuscript. Letter to A.N.L. Munby from Andreas Mayor at Sothebys regarding the Codex. Includes offprints about Simonides and the manuscript.

Mayor, Andreas. Correspondence.
Munby, A. N. L. (Alan Noel Latimer), 1913-1974. Correspondence.


Simonides, Constantine, 1820-1867.
Bible. Greek. Codex sinaiticus. Forgeries.
Forgery of manuscripts.

Grolier Club, 47 East 60th Street, New York, N.Y. 10022-1098.
Malcolm Choat has used this material in his presentations.

Australia, Melbourne, State Library of Victoria (includes the Stewart Biographical Memoir)
Henry Deane, John Eliot Hodgkin, Charles Stewart

"I think it was as the accession number is H17839 which is in Box 109/4(a-d), but in the 91 pages copied are materials from both H17838 [Uranius] and H17840 [Henry Deane's report] (only H17839 comes up in their online search"

Plus the talk on Feb 27, 2018 by Malcolm Choat at Macquerie will utilize this material.

The PDF from the library includes about 60 pages of English correspondence, the handwritings are not the easiest to decipher, and could use perusal.

They also have the 30 page palimpsest report from the Royal Society, which is also online.

Yet no biography. (That is also online.)

Newspaper cuttings relating to Constantine Simonides.
British Library

Robert Curzon, traveller and book collector (1983)
Meridel Holland

British Library MS. 42502 - The Simonides Papers (J. E. Hodgkin Simonides Papers)

Simonides, Constantine (1824-1867) Forger of Egyptian Papyri
Add MS 42502

1853-61: misc papers and letters to Sir Thomas Phillipps
Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections MSS Phillipps-Robinson (NRA 26260 Phillipps)
This 1956 article could be helpful:

The collector J. E. Hodgkin, who had befriended Simonides late in life when he was "discredited and almost destitute",16
16 Quoted by Munby, Phillipps Studies: IV (Cambridge 1956), p. 118


BL Sinaiticus notes

"Nothing is certainly known of the history of the manuscript before the 19th cent."

... Simonides seems to have spoken about the date of Sinaiticus prior to September 1862, in so far as Tregelles knew of this theory before then. He spoke of it to J.E. Hodgkin in 1860 and in a letter to Sir Thornas Phillipps on August 2nd 1861. (See British Library Add MS 52502A folio 348 and the Phillipps Robinson MS. collection in the Bodleian Library).

Pasquale Massimo Pinto

The reconstruction of Simonides’ years in Victorian England relies first of all on a number of unpublished manuscript documents, the most important of which are the letters to, from and about Simonides included in the manuscript Additional 42502AB of the British Library and originally from the personal archive of John Eliot Hodgkin, probably Simonides’ chief patron in England. The papers of the book-collector Thomas Phillipps and the librarian Frederick Madden that are in the British Library and the Bodleian Library of Oxford, also deserve to be mentioned. Next is the information that can be collected from what Simonides himself wrote both in the prefaces of the works published in England, such as the Facsimiles of certain Portions of the Gospel of St. Matthew etc. (1861) or The Periplus of Hannon (1864), and in newspapers. Finally, at least three scholarly contributions must be taken into consideration: a chapter included by the amateur historian James Anson Farrer in his 1907 book on Literary Forgeries, based on the papers of Hodgkin; the substantial chapter devoted to Simonides by the book scholar Alan N.L. Munby in his stunning work on Thomas Phillipps, published in the 1950s (the “Phillipps Studies”); and the book about the Codex Sinaiticus and the Simonides affair written by the New Testament scholar James K. Elliott in 1982.5

5 See, respectively: Farrer 1907, Munby 1956, Elliott 1982.

Munby, Alan Noel Latimer (1956), The Formation of the Phillipps Library from 1841 to 1872 (“Phillipps Studies”, 4), Cambridge, esp. 114-131.

Special note about the lithograph material of Odessa and Moscow (likely in the Hodgkin papers)

Literary Forgeries

Worldcat, JStor, EOD, German and more

some details on post
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Steven Avery

Discussion of this book

–––. 1859. Γενναδίου τοῦ Σχολαρίου αρχιεπισκόπου Κωνσταντινουπόλεως καὶ Οἰκουμενικοῦ Πατριάρχου Τὸ περὶ ἐκπορεύσεως τοῦ παναγίου πνεύματος επιστολιμαῖον πρῶτον βιβλίον; Τοῦ ἐν ἁγίοις πατρὸς ἡμῶν Γρηγορίου αρχιεπισκόπου Θεσσαλονίκῆς, τοῦ Παλαμᾶ, Ὁμιλία περὶ πίστεως ἔκθεσις. London: Konstantinos Simonides

Theology of the Divine Essence
Christiaan Kappes


Google translate

Gennadius of Scholar, archbishop of Constantinople and the Ecumenical Patriarch, who was in charge of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the first book? The Holy Father of Gregory, the Archbishop of Thessalonica, Palamas, a spokesman for the Faith. London:

So this may be Four Theological Writings, which has some Hermas material in the beginning.

You can go back and see the Simonides name on the front, and a title of the first work is something like
The Holy Spirit That from the Father and from the Son Proceeds

Gennadius the Scholar, Archbishop of Constantinople and Ecumenical Patriarch, the the first book lettering(?), concerning the outpouring of the Holy Spirit; our holy father Gregory, Archbishop of Thessalonica, Homily (Conversation) concerning the faith, a report.


The title shows up here, maybe Methodius, in an 1853 work
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Steven Avery


Steven Avery


Here is CARM on Forging Antiquities

Tommy Wasserman Ansgar University College and Theological Seminary and Malcolm Choat Macquarie University
Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 57 (2020)

There's some valuable material on Simonides in the British Library etc, for sure.

NOTE: Malcolm Choat, Yuen-Collingridge, and Tommy Wasserman are the current world experts on Simonides handwriting and forgeries. Will post links to there online platforms which will have their contact info.
—- SA also discusses Simonides and Kallinikos handwriting and Mt. Athos mss.

Malcolm Choat is a gentleman and a scholar. We were discussing today the forthcoming publication from the Forging Antiquities project, and some other stuff. (There are some letters that would be nice to be available pre-publication.)

TNC - snarky and sneaky JW (Jehovah Witness)
It's just a matter of time before you end up eating those words. You'll end up insulting Malcolm Choat behind his back (if you haven't already somewhere on the internet) as you inevitably end up doing to "scholars" whom you view as "duped".
The fact that you're corresponding with him, means you're research begging...and undoubtedly being disingenuously friendly (at first) in order to extract what you want from him before you turn on him like the wolf in sheep's clothing you really are...

SA: You have switched to specializing in false prophecy.

about Kallinikos

It will also help to have the letter from Simonides to Kallinikos on the hieroglyphics from the Forging Antiquity project. So far translated and unpublished. There may also be material dated 1853 that could be very helpful.\

What would help more (instead of winjing about it) is you asking Malcolm Choat politely if he'd email a copy of his translation to you. That's what would help. Or have you burned your bridge's with him already?

Yes, but so far he has talked about a forthcoming book involving the Forging Antiquities materials..
The request is in to make two specific letters public, and I am hoping he will make the materials available.

TNC- April 2023
I look forward to Malcolm Choat's research as well.
You on the other hand, are only looking for confirmation bias and something you think you can denigrate.

C. – To Hodgkin is also addressed a short undated Autograph Letter from Farrer returning to him some of Simonides’ MSS and tracings, which Farrer apparently utilised in his work on Literary Forgeries.26
These two facts point to friendly and close relations between Simonides and Hodgkin, who was an eminent Lawyer, a Quaker in persuasion, and whose library shows a love and tendency to what is strange and uncommon. He had evidently befriended Simonides and purchased more than one copy of his productions. Most of these, I have met with here for the first time. They are all lithographed from Simonides’ beautiful handwriting on the one side only of very thick paper of brownish or blueish tint.

‘TNC - June 2023
They're on there way according to you...
It was you who told us that Malcolm Choat was publishing a book...
So why all the hoopla?

The fella was an intern in 2019.
So years have passed.
There is no timetable for the book.
Best would be making the letters available now.

Well, in an ideal world, that would be great. I want to see them as much as you (as stated before).
I haven't contacted Malcolm Choat personally yet, but plan to. I have a lot of questions I want to ask him myself, and I will at some point.
You've been researching this for probably a decade, possibly more (I don't know) and I've only been looking into this for less than a year. So the deck, theoretically speaking, should be stacked in your favor.
This demanding...must be published now.. and the whole cover up .. conspiracy thing is simply O.T.T.
Patience is a fruit of God's Holy Spirit. 😉
I think there may be a sentence or two in these letters that you might be able to twist to your advantage, but I genuinely think (a guess BTW) you will be disappointed. That's not posturing, but honestly what I think.

The letters sound special.
One clearly may give an insight on two points:
a) the theory that there is no actual Kallinikos, he was only a phantom of the opera
b) whether Simonides had a legitimate approach to the heiroglyphics
The others with Simonides and Hodgkin ... all sorts of possibilities.
So I don't really want to conjecture there.[/U

** - SOURCE?
TNC - June 25
He knew about the CFA in Germany... he probably tried to mimic loosely the fascimilies published in 1846 for some of his forgeries 👈 😉. So say the real experts Choat and Wasserman.

Simonides' knew about the CFA in Germany... he probably tried to mimic loosely the facsimiles published in 1846 for some of his forgeries 👈 😉. So say the real experts Choat and Wasserman.

What would the CFA give him that was not in Montfaucon and various manusripts available in the cities of his travels?
Do Malcolm or Tommy give any real information?
e.g showing a Simonides production that looks like such a mimic enterprise? If not, nothing there.

You claim from Wasserman and Choat that Simonides wanted to use the script for his future productions.
Which ones?
And what do they precisely say?

Yes, they're the real experts 👈😉👍

Anyway, we should know a lot more about the 1864 period when we see the letter being held in Australia from Simonides to Hodgkin.

"Being held in Australia..."
Full wacko conspiracy talk right there folks... it's garbage talk!
Can't wait to tell Malcolm Coat this one.
This is the real reason the Australian's don't co-operate with him, he's to obnoxious and abusive behind their backs, and most likely to their faces in the failed attempts at emailing them.
He forgets the Dean/Hodgkin letters etc are publicly accessible in Australia. They are not "being held" locked up in top secret X-files. (I know because I checked). You just make an appointment via the online application form, and go into the library (following the general library protocols, of course, for old and historical documents) and Bob's your uncle.
Do you think Avery will ever lift a finger to front up in person?
= Nope!

And I doubt that any Henry Deane letters would be very interesting.
We already know that in the Aussie stash the identity of Charles Stewart is verified.
And there is a lot of minor discussion on secondary issues.

We did have an Aussie friend do some checking long ago.

From the Forging Antiquity discussion:

One letter from Simonides to Hodgkin about the efforts to demonstrate Sinaiticus history.
One letter from Simonides to Kallinikos on hieroglyphics.

One or both had translation in the Forging Antiquities project a couple of years back by an intern.

If they were made available, it would help Sinaiticus and Simonides scholarship. Both have great potential, the one to Hodgkin should shed light on the efforts c. 1864, as well as how Simonides saw the controversy. The one to Kallinikos is likely to shed light on their relationship and the identity issue. However, release first, analysis after.

Malcolm Choat's idea that a book or report will come out some day is not really responsive. There is no big advantage in keeping this embargoed. Document release now would only help the later book or report, by spurring interest.

Malcolm is a nice enough fella, but the censorship tyranny of Tommy Wasserman works against open discussion, and they rub elbows on forgery projects, including Simonides. Malcolm gave a wonderful explanatory quote at one point, but has seemed a bit nervous

TNC is welcome to share any information he has on the letters, but I hope it will be more accurate than his Uranios picture.
about public discussion of Sinaiticus authenticity.
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Steven Avery

Canfora may help

