KJB - online reference materials - originally posted on bibleprotector forum

Steven Avery

book resources - online reference materials - list
The Learned Men (1959)
Gustavis Paine
Reprint - "The Men Behind the King James Version" Baker (1977)

And I'll add a few more to consider, not on your list above. A couple below may have been designed as revision propaganda, most of that genre I do not include on these lists.

An Historical Account of the Several Translations of the Bible and the Opposition they met from the Church of Rome (1730)
Anthony Johnson
http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&id=Kt4CAAAAQAAJ (full view)
Vance - Classic Reprints No. 99 110 pages $20.00

An essay upon the influence of the translation of the Bible upon English Literature (1830)
William Thomas Petty (later FitzMaurice), Earl of Kerry, Lord Kerry

The Existing Monopoly, an Inadequate Protection, of the Authorised Version of Scriptures (1833)
Thomas Curtis

The text of the English Bible, as now printed by the universities : considered with reference to a report by a sub-committee of dissenting ministers (1833)
Thomas Turton

A supplement to the authorised English version of the New Testament : being a critical illustration of its more difficult passages from the Syriac, Latin and earlier English versions, with an introduction (1845)
F. H. A. Scrivener

A collation of the principal English translations of the sacred Scriptures (1847)
Charles Roger

A list of editions of the Holy Scriptures and parts thereof printed in America Previous to 1860 (1861)
Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan

The historic origin of the Bible: a handbook of principal facts from the Best Recent Authorities, German and English (1873 1ed)
Edwin Cone Bissell

Our English bible : its translations and translators (1878)
John Stoughton

The history of the English Bible: extending from earliest Saxon translations to the present Anglo-American Revision (1882)
Blackford Condit

The English revisers' Greek text shown to be unauthorized except by Egyptian copies discarded by Greeks and to be opposed to the historic text of all ages and churches (1882)
George Whitefield Sampson

A hand-book of the English versions of the Bible: with copious examples Illustrating the Ancestry and Relationship of the Several Versions, and Comparative Tables (1883)
J. I Mombert

Early Bibles of America: being a descriptive account of Bibles published in the United States, Mexico and Canda (1894)
John W. Wright

The that-clause in the Authorized version of the Bible (1910)
Hubert Gibson Shearin

The Authorised Version of the English Bible, 1611 (1909)
[A literal reprint, with a list of variations between the two issues of 1611.]
http://www.archive.org/details/authorizedversio01wrig Vol 1
http://www.archive.org/details/authorizedversio02wrig Vol 2
http://www.archive.org/details/authorizedversio03wrig Vol 3
http://www.archive.org/details/authorisedversio04wrig Vol 4
http://www.archive.org/details/authorisedversio05wrig Vol 5
William Aldis Wright

The evolution of the English Bible: a historical sketch of the successive versions from 1382 to 1885 (1901)
Our English Bible : the story of its origin and growth (1911)
Henry William Hoare

William James Heaton
Our Own English Bible : Its Translators And their Work
The Manuscript Period (through Wycliffe) Vol 1
The Bible of the Reformation : its translators and their work Vol 2 (1910)
The Puritan Bible and other contemporaneous Protestant versions‎ (1913) Vol 3

The Bible and the Anglo-Saxon People (1914)
William Canton

Introduction to early modern English (1921)
Manfred Görlach

Which Version? Authorized or Revised ? (1924)
Philip Mauro
Vance - Classic Reprints #41 - 119 pages $20

Our Authorized Bible Vindicated (1930)
Benjamin George Wilkinson
Answers to Objections - A Reply to the Review of My Book

The literary lineage of the King James Bible, 1340-1611 (1941)
Charles C. Butterworth

The King James version of the English Bible: an account of the development and sources of the English Bible of 1611 with special reference to the Hebrew tradition (1941)
David Daiches

Church, monarch, and Bible in sixteenth century England (2000)
Roland H. Worth

And more

A second group.
These are largely ones mentioned above given with more info.

Henry John Todd
A vindication of our Authorized translation and translators of the Bible; and of preceding English versions authoritatively commended to the notice of those translators: occasioned by certain objections made by Mr. John Bellamy in his late translation of the book of Genesis, and by Sir James Bland Burgess... (1819)
http://books.google.com/books?id=1GgqJAAACAAJ (no view)
Vance -Classic Reprints No. 36 1819 158 pages $25.00
--- (Todd continues)
An Authentic Account of our Authorized Translation and Translators of the Bible;
With Testimonies to the Excellence of the Translation (1838 3rd ed)
http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&id=ISECAAAAQAAJ (full view)

Oxford Bibles, Mr. Curtis' misrepresentations exposed in a Letter to the Editor of the British Magazine (1833)
Edward Cardwell

The Holy Bible, an exact reprint page for page of the Authorized Version published in the year 1611 (1833)

The annals of the English Bible (1845)
Christopher Anderson
http://www.archive.org/details/annalsofthebible01andeuoft - Vol 1
http://www.archive.org/details/annalsofthebible02andeuoft - Vol 2
http://books.google.com/books?id=ZzoXAAAAYAAJ - (1862, V 1&2)
Classic Reprints No. 73 (1862) 746 pages $75.00

The translators revived: a biographical memoir of the authors of the English Version of the Holy Bible (1853)
Alexander Wilson McClure

The Desirability of Keeping the Authorized Version (1857)
Joseph Charles Philpot
extract from "Sin & Salvation"

Our Bible (1858)
Nehemiah Adams

Solomon Caesar Malan
A Plea for the Received Greek Text: And for the Authorized Version of the New Testament .(1869)
http://books.google.com/books?id=n4UNAAAAYAAJ (full read)
A Vindication of the Authorized Version, from Charges Brought against It by Recent Writers (1856),
http://books.google.com/books?id=yvBmOwAACAAJ (no view)
Seven Chapters of the Revision of 1881 XE "English Revised Version" of 1881 Revised (1881).
http://books.google.com/books?id=9eVHPQAACAAJ (1881 no view)
http://books.google.com/books?id=B71JHwAACAAJ (2007 Kessinger no view)
David Cloud discussion

A Century of Bibles, Or, The Authorised Version from 1611 to 1711: To which is Added William
Kilburne's Tract on Dangerous Errors in the late Printed Bibles (1659) ... (1872)
William John Loftie, William Kilburne

Old Bibles: or An account of the early versions of the English Bible (1876 1st ed)
John Read Dore

Essay on the Right Estimation of Manuscript Evidence in the Text of the New Testament (1878)
Thomas Rawson Birks
Vance - Classic Reprints No. 16 138 pages $20.00

Edmund Beckett (Lord Grimthorpe)
Should the Revised New testament be Authorised ? (1882)
A reply [by E. Beckett] to Dr. Farrar's Answer to Sir Edmund Beckett's "Should the Revised New Testament be Authorized" ?
Beckett also tackles the grammatical blunders of the revision, such as many examples where the aorist tense is mistranslated by fallacious modernist theories.

The Revised Version of the First Three Gospels Considered in its bearing upon the record of our Lord's words
and of Incidents in his life (1882)
Frederic Charles Cook
"moderately and respectfully opposed" - Schaaf An interesting work that shows that the Dean was not at all alone in the technical verse-by-verse exposure of revision blunders.

The revision revised: three articles reprinted from the Quarterly Review. (1883)
I. The New Greek Text.
II. The New English Version.
III. Westcott and Hort's New Textual Theory.
To Which is added a reply to Bishop Ellicott's pamphlet in defence of the revisers and their Greek text of the New Testament: including a vindication of the traditional reading of 1 Timothy III. 16.
John William Burgon

The authorized edition of the English Bible (1611): its subsequent reprints and Modern Representatives (1884)
Frederick Henry Ambrose Scrivener

Defence of the version of king James i, 'The spirits in prison, 1 Pet. iii .18-20 Against the Westminster Revision (1885)
Samuel Fuller

Sheol: the principle and tendency of the revision examined. Sermon preached on Sunday morning, June 7th, 1885 in the First Reformed Dutch Church
George Sayles Bishop
http://books.google.com/books?id=EkLJHAAACAAJ - NOVIEW
Quotes given by David Cloud and Ian Paisley

A Guide to Textual Criticism of the New Testament (1886)
Edward Miller, M. A.
http://books.google.com/books?id=8iXOMAAACAA - Old Path reprint edition
Note the section about early warning about false NT concepts emphasizing :
Commentarius criticus in N.T (1853) Johann Georg Reiche (mentioned in depth by Frederic Charles Cook)
Vaticanus Codex (1860)- A. Kuenen and C. G. Cobet
"‘there is no kind of error that is not frequently found in that manuscript as in all the rest."
Vercellone, Ceriani, Abb Martin on Vaticanus

Jabez Thomas Sunderland
The origin and character of the Bible: and its place among sacred books (1893 1ed)
The Bible and the Bible country (1910)

The Oxford Debate on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament Held at New College on May 6, 1897 with a Preface Explanatory of the Rival System -
Contains speeches by: Edward Miller, William Sanday, Mr. Gwilliam, Mr. Allen, Mr. Bonus, Mr. Headlam
Edward Miller, et al.
Classic Reprints No. 93 59 pages $15.00

Some thoughts on the textual criticism of the New Testament (1897)
George Salmon

Studies in the syntax of the King James version (1907)
James Moses Grainger

The authorized version of the Bible and its influence (1910)
Albert Stanburrough Cook
Vance - Classic Reprints #13 - 30 pages $12

Records of the English Bible
The Documents Relating to the Translation and Publication of the Bible in English, 1525-1611 (1911)
Alfred William Pollard
http://books.google.com/books?id=2ipVAAAAMAAJ (full view)
http://books.google.com/books?id=e1M94S7zYkwC (2007 limited)
Report on the Making of the Version of the 1611 Presented to the Synod of Dort

Our grand old Bible : being the story of the Authorized version of the English Bible told for the tercentenary celebration (1911)
William Muir

The Greatest English Classic - A Study of the King James Version of the Bible and Its Influence on Life and Literature.
Cleland Boyd McAfee, D.D.

The King James Bible Translators (1982)
Olga S. Opfell

My Plea for the Old Sword (1997)
Ian R. K. Paisley
http://www.ianpaisley.org/plea.asp (full read)
http://books.google.com/books?id=OqCwPAAACAAJ (no view)

Wide as the Waters (2001)
Benson Bobrick

In the Beginning: The Story of the King James Bible and How It Changed a Nation, a Language, and a Culture (2001)
Alister McGrath
http://books.google.com/books?id=t-iLuDI60O0C (no view)

The Bible in English: its history and influence (2003)
David Daniell

God's secretaries: the making of the King James Bible (2003)
Power and glory: Jacobean England and the making of the King James Bible (2004)
Adam Nicolson

King James, His Bible, and Its Translators (2006)
Laurence Vance
Bibliography is in .pdf

The Glorious History of the King James Bible (2006)
David W. Cloud
http://books.google.com/books?id=P9lgAAAACAAJ (no view)
http://www.wayoflife.org/publications/ebooks.html (ebook)

Steven Avery

Continuing. (Later these can be made into a master list by date and/or by general topics. Maybe short notes added too.) These three are about the English Bible history.

A Complete History of the Several Translations of the Holy Bible and New Testament into English, both in Ms. and in Print: and of the Most Remarkable Editions of Them Since the Invention of Printing, 3rd ed., to which is now added, a list of various editions of the Bible, and parts thereof, in English. (1731)
John Lewis
http://books.google.com/books?id=32EuAAAAYAAJ Edition 2 (1739)
http://books.google.com/books?id=3fyfAAAAMAAJ Edition 3 (1818)

The English Bible: History of the translation of the Holy Scriptures into the English Tongue (1856)
Hannah Chaplin Conant
The popular history of the translation of the Holy Scriptures into the Holy Scriptures into the English Tongue (1881)
Hannah Chaplin Conant rev. ed. by Thomas J. Conant.

The Bibles of England: A Plain Account for Plain People of the Principal Versions of the Bible in English. (1889)
Andrew Edgar
Vance - Classic Reprints No. 72 414 pages $45.00

These journal articles are all available, they are generally from the Laurence Vance bibliography, with the URL added below.


Thomas Curtis
“Dr. Curtis on a Standard English Bible.”
The Southern Presbyterian Review 11 (1859), 136-144.

Henry R. Tedder
“The Barkers and the Early History of the Bible-Patent.”
The Library Chronicle 2 (1885), 161-166.

John F. Geneug
“Why the Authorized Version Became an English Classic.”
The Biblical World 37 (April 1911), 224-231.

D. Beaton
“Notes on the History of the Authorised Version of the Bible in Scotland.”
The Princeton Theological Review 9 (July 1911), 415-437.

“The King James Bible: Apropos of the Tercentenary.”
The Century Magazine 82 (May 1911), 148-149.

L. Franklin. Gruber
“The Version of 1611: Propriety of Calling it the ‘Authorized Version,’ or ‘King James’s Version.’ "
The Biblical World 42 (October 1913), 218-233.
The Authorization of the English Bible - Reprint #100 Laurence Vance 1881, 1913, 1948, 1991 "Four articles from different perspectives on the subject of the authorization of the English Bible." 50 pages

John Tiller
“In the Steps of William Tyndale: Miles Smith As Bible Translator.”
The Tyndale Society Journal 11 (December 1998), 27-33.

Steven Avery

These histories include English Bible information, and while written by revision oriented writers, still may have some substance.

Westcott Eadie Pattison Milligan Bevan Lea Pope Price

Bible in the Church: a popular account of the collection and reception of the Holy Scriptues in the Christian Churches
Brooke Foss Westcott
http://books.google.com/books?id=43gNAAAAYAAJ (1870)
http://books.google.com/books?id=kEkXAAAAYAAJ (1905)

A general view of the history of the English Bible
Brooke Foss Westcott
http://books.google.com/books?id=tAk93bh4jkcC (1872)
http://books.google.com/books?id=-wQXAAAAYAAJ (1905) with William Aldis Wright

The English Bible : an external and critical history of the various English translations of Scripture, with remarks on the need of revising the English New Testament (1876)
John Eadie
http://www.archive.org/details/theenglishbible00eadiuoft Vol 1
http://books.google.com/books?id=RQA9AAAAYAAJ - Vol 1
http://www.archive.org/details/englishbibleexte02eadiuoft - Vol 2
http://books.google.com/books?id=UH1bAAAAMAAJ - Vol 2
Vance - Classic Reprints No. 81 Two Volumes in One 975 pages $100.00

The history of the English Bible (1878)
William Fiddian Moulton

The history of the English Bible (1894)
Thomas Harwood Pattison

The English Bible, a sketch of its history (1895)
George Milligan

Our Bible and the ancient manuscripts: being a history of the text and its Translations (1895).
Sir Frederic George Kenyon
http://books.google.com/books?id=2I0RAAAAYAAJ Full
(more about MSS in general rather than the English Bible)

Our English Bible; the history of its development, 1611-1911 (1911)
James Oliver Bevan
http://books.google.com/books?id=jnLFreXpWywC (limited preview 2009 reprint)

The ancestry of our English Bible: an account of the Bible versions, texts and Manuscripts (1906)
http://books.google.com/books?id=gZJCAAAAIAAJ (full view)
Ira Maurice Price

The Book of Books and Its Wonderful Story (1922)
John William Lea

And there is a history available more from an overt rcc perspective.

A brief history of the English version of the New Testament first published at Rheims in 1582, continued down to the present day (1940)
Hugh Pope

English Versions of the Bible, revised and amplified by Sebastian Bullough. (1952.)
Hugh Pope


This book has a fairly extensive historical section, however it would take some checking to see the relationship between Townley and McClure material. Some Townley editions (maybe just Vol 1) go as far back as 1828.

Illustrations of Biblical Literature Vol. 2 (1847)
James Townley
http://books.google.com/books?id=WOwUAAAAYAAJ p. 393 - Chapter X Seventeenth Century
http://books.google.com/books?id=1oaeIIgKTdIC (2007)

And this book on the King James Bible is not available online although purchase is not expensive. Note that Gaebelein is not known as defending the KJB against modern versions, so a review of the book would be helpful.

Frank Ely Gaebelein,
Down through the Ages ; the story of the King James Bible. (1924).
http://books.google.com/books?id=3pFIGQAACAAJ (no view)
The Story of the King James Bible (1950)

A Plain Account of the English Bible From the Earliest Times of its Translation to the Present Day (1870)
John Henry Blunt
Vance - Classic Reprints No. 111 125 pages $20.00

And this Baikie historical book on the English bible is not well known.

The English Bible & Its Story: Its Growth, Its Translators & Their Adventures. (1928)
James Baikie
http://books.google.com/books?id=jNduPAAACAA (no view)
Lands And People Of The Bible

The next may be one of the superior in depthl historical books.

Our Own English Bible (1913) - 3 Volumes
William James Heaton
Vol 1 : its translators and their work, the manuscript period
http://www.archive.org/details/ourownenglishbib00heat - Vol 1
Vol 2 - The Bible of the Reformation,
Vol 3 - The Puritan Bible, and Other Contemporaneous Protestant Versions.
Vance - Classic Reprints No. 74 Three Volumes in One 1913, 1914 986 pages $100.00.

Steven Avery

And more:

This next book is quite significant historically, Norton rails and Standish uses the phrase as a chapter heading (Modern Bible Translations Unmasked - no clear attribution) others simply respect the work. Perhaps the single most important book in the "Bible as literature -- majesty of the King James Bible" genre.

John Livingston Lowes
Essays in Appreciation. (1936)
"The Noblest Monument of English Prose" (one essay)
Reprinted by Laurence Vance
http://www.vancepublications.com/cr/cr101ex.pdf (Four pages)
"I have deliberately refrained from naming in my title the masterpiece to which my descriptive phrase applies ... "

This next may be interesting for how King James Bible phrases are a part of our beautiful English today.

Our Roving Bible: tracking its influence through English and American life (1945)
Lawrence Emerson Nelson
http://books.google.com/books?id=JskUAAAAMAAJ (no view)

The literary impact of the Authorized Version (1950)
Clive Staples Lewis (C. S. Lewis)
http://www.biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/kjv_lewis.pdf (read)
http://books.google.com/books?id=eTUVPQAACAAJ (no view)

Our next stop are addition from the writers from the 1800s, like Soloman Malan above (where we have added additional books). On helping with these writers, two men stand out as having helped us with the history .. Laurence Vance and the Classic Reprints and David Cloud. Also, when available, the online resources.

The Excellence of the Authorized Version of the Sacred Scriptures defended against the Socinians (1820)
By James Lister
http://books.google.com/books?id=_ky8GwAACAAJ (no view)
Classic Reprints No. 47 32 pages $12.00

Objections to a Baptist version of the New Testament (1837)
William Theophilus Brantly, Octavius Winslow
http://books.google.com/books?id=3CgZAAAAYAAJ (full view)
Classic Reprints No. 46 66 pages $15.00

The burning of the Bibles: defence of the Protestant version of the scriptures against the attacks of popish apologists (1843)
John Dowling
http://books.google.com/books?id=d3Q2AAAAMAAJ (full view)
Classic Reprints No. 54 141 pages $25.00

The old-fashioned Bible, or Ten reasons against the proposed Baptist version of the New Testament: a discourse delivered at Hope Chapel, Broadway, March 31st, 1850 (1850)
John Dowling
http://books.google.com/books?id=vkSMHwAACAAJ (no view)
Classic Reprints No. 35 36 pages $12.00

An Apology for the Common English Bible and a Review of the Extraordinary Changes Made in it by Managers of the American Bible Society (1857)
Arthur Cleveland Coxe
http://books.google.com/books?id=iEK1lSXqEC8C (full view)
Vance - Classic Reprints No. 48 72 pages $15.00

Lectures on the English Language. (1860)
George Perkins Marsh
http://books.google.com/books?id=53UKAAAAIAAJ (1887 ed)
Vance - Classic Reprints No. 113 27 pages $12.00


For Love of the Bible: The Battle for the King James Version and the Greek Received Text from 1800 to Present. 4th edition, March 2006, 518 pages

Laurence Vance - Classic Reprints

Steven Avery

Some Francis Fry material (pub c. 1865) is on the net, while the 3rd book below, which includes the King James Bible, is so far found in the "Classic Reprints" or in libraries.
Francis Fry

The first New Testament printed in the English language, 1525 or 1526

The Bible by Coverdale, MDXXXV. Remarks on the titles; the year of publication; the preliminary, the water marks, &c., with fac-similes

A description of the Great Bible, 1539, and the six editions of Cranmer's Bible, 1540 and 1541, printed by Grafton and Whitchurch : also of the editions, in large folio, of the Authorized Version of the Holy Scriptures, printed in the years 1611, 1613, 1617, 1634, 1640
http://books.google.com/books?id=1kukQAAACAAJ (No View)

Classic Reprints No. 53
A brief memoir of Francis Fry, F.S.A., of Bristol By Theodore Fry
The Works of Francis Fry on the Tyndale, Coverdale, Great, Bishop's, and King James Bibles, With a Brief Memoir of the Author by His Son - Four Books in One - 1865-1887 - 568 pages $100.00

These are the more Revision agiprop group pulled out from the histories. These may have an "English Bible History" section .. but they were primarily designed to politic for the revision, before or after.

The Authorized Version of the New Testament in Connection with Some Recent Proposals for Its Revision. (1858)
Richard Chenevix Trench
http://books.google.com/books?id=RNYNAAAAYAAJ (1858) Connection
http://books.google.com/books?id=Q6oCAAAAQAAJ (1859) Connexion

On a Fresh Revision of the English Old Testament (1873)
Samuel Davidson

Bible English : chapters on old and disused expressions in the authorized version of the Scriptures and the Book of common prayer : with illustrations from contemporary literature (1875)
Thomas Lewis Owen Davies
http://books.google.com/books?id=XhwbUY9U5NUC (limited preview 2009 reprint)

The English Bible : an external and critical history of the various English translations of Scripture, with remarks on the need of revising the English New Testament (1876)
John Eadie
http://www.archive.org/details/theenglishbible00eadiuoft Vol 1
http://books.google.com/books?id=RQA9AAAAYAAJ - Vol 1
http://www.archive.org/details/englishbibleexte02eadiuoft - Vol 2
http://books.google.com/books?id=UH1bAAAAMAAJ - Vol 2
Vance - Classic Reprints No. 81 Two Volumes in One 975 pages $100.00

Companion to the Revised Version of the New Testament explaining the reasons for the changes made on the authorized version (1881)
Alexander Roberts

Texts and margins of the Revised New Testament Affecting Theological Doctrine Briefly Reviewed (1881)
George Vance Smith

Lectures on Bible revision, with an appendix containing the prefaces to the chief historical editions of the English Bible (1881)
Samuel Newth

Authorized or Revised? Sermons on Some of the Texts in Which the Revised Version Differs from the Authorized (1882)
Charles John Vaughan

Contributions to a new revision, or, A critical companion to the New Testament being a series of notes on the original text, with the view of securing greater uniformity in its English rendering. Including the chief alterations of the "Revision" of 1881 and of the
American Committee (1881)
Robert Young
Young was paraphrasing and thought to be helping the reader to choose between the English and the American (afaik not yet published) and his own translations, as well as a future revision revision. Evangelical magazine and missionary chronicle (1882) while liking his overall body of work called this one of his 'crotchets'.

Companion to the revised Old Testament (1885)
Talbot Wilson Chambers

Notes on the Amended English Bible With Special Reference to Certain Texts in the Revised Version of the Old and New Testaments Bearing upon the Principles of Unitarian Christianity (1887)
Henry Ierson
Vance - Classic Reprints No. 44 188 pages $30.00

Steven Avery

Here are some of the scholarship style books of the last decades that have some special interest on the general topic of the Reformation Bible, without being King James Bible oriented. While some will have a minefield of anti-KJB bias, perhaps not all, and some solid info can be extractable. Generally you may have to use a library or used book approach to see the whole book but there may some have partial google availability.
The reformed roots of the English New Testament:
The Influence of Theodore Beza on the English New Testament
Irena Dorota Backus (1980)
http://books.google.com/books?id=0OnYAAAAMAAJ (no view)
$26 on Powell - $20 or more

The Reformation of the Bible/The Bible of the Reformation (1996)
Jaroslav Pelikan, Valerie R. Hotchkiss, David Price

In Discordance with the Scriptures: American Protestant Battles over Translating the Bible. (1999)
Peter Johannes Thuesen
http://books.google.com/books?id=Parz1Sxd8BsC (Limited)

Faith, reason, and revelation in Theodore Beza, 1519-1605 (2003)
Jeffrey Mallinson

Theodorus Beza and New Testament conjectural emendation (2003)
Jan Krans
http://books.google.com/books?id=fVfzPAAACAAJ (no view)

Beyond what is written: Erasmus and Beza as conjectural critics of the New Testament
Jan Krans
http://books.google.com/books?id=zi6JAAAAMAAJ (no view)

Whose Bible Is It?: A Short History of the Scriptures (2006)
Jaroslav Pelikan
http://books.google.com/books?id=ms_UHjwUEsoC (limited)
Whose Bible Is It? A History of the Scriptures Through the Ages. (2005.)
http://books.google.com/books?id=aU_GAAAACAAJ (no view, same book)

Theodore de Beze (1519-1605) (2007)
Irena Dorota Backus, Institut d'histoire de la Réformation

Next are KJB defenders who have full books on the net.
Each one could do well with our own little blurb.

Our Authorized Bible Vindicated (1930)
Benjamin George Wilkinson
Answers to Ojbections to Our Authorized Bible
A reply to the review of my book Our authorized Bible vindicated
http://books.google.com/books?id=xz_TGwAACAAJ - No View

The King James Version Defended (1956)
Edward F. Hills
http://www.wilderness-cry.net/bible_study/books/kjv-defended/index.html - Full
http://www.jesus-is-lord.com/kjvdefen.htm - Full
Believing Bible Study (1967)
http://books.google.com/books?id=f-zjQAAACAAJ - No View

Forever Settled - A Survey of the Documents and History of the Bible (1985)
Jack Moorman

Manuscript Evidence Class
Dr. Thomas Holland
Crowned With Glory: The Bible from Ancient Text to Authorized Version (2000)
http://books.google.com/books?id=0hYCAAAACAAJ - no view

Modern Bible Translations Unmasked/Supplement - (1998)
Russell R & Colin D Standish
www.champs-of-truth.com/reform/STN_MBTU.PDF - Full
http://www.sundaylaw.net/books/other/standish/bibletrans/mbtutoc.htm Full
http://books.google.com/books?id=Hab5kh_BKUgC - Limited

Which Version (2004)
Floyd Nolen Jones
www.christianmissionconnection.org/Which_Version_is_the_Bible.pdf (17th edition 1999)
http://books.google.com/books?id=ez8SAAAACAAJ - NOVIEW
Ripped Out of the Bible (8th edition, 1998)

Steven Avery

William Grady is available in audio.
Douglas Stauffer has two chapters on the net.

Final Authority - A Christian’s Guide to the King James Bible.
Dr.William P. Grady.
The Entire Book Read by the Author

One Book Stands Alone (2001)
Douglas D. Stauffer
http://books.google.com/books?id=NtwIAAAACAAJ NOVIEW
http://www.biblebelievers.com/stauffer/stauffer_OBSA-index.html (chapters 2 & 3)
One Book Rightly Divided (1999)
http://books.google.com/books?id=EkgbPQAACAAJ NOVIEW

Now it would be good to also add a lot of the defense books that are not on the net.
Internal evidence of inspiration vol 3 (1938)
Harry Rimmer
http://books.google.com/books?id=Tk9qPgAACAAJ - NOVIEW

Which Bible ? (1977 ed 5)
David Otis Fuller

The Authorized King James Bible Defended, (1983)
http://books.google.com/books?id=X8I8HAAACAAJ - NOVIEW
Chester A. Murray

Search for the Word of God: A Defense of the King James Version (1984)
Daniel L. Segraves

James H. Sightler
A testimony founded for ever: the King James Bible defended in faith and history (1999 ed 2)
Lively Oracles - The Inspired Bible In The Hearts of Believers.
Silver Words And Pure - Tried in a Furnace of Earth. Questions and Answeres

Touch not the unclean thing: the Bible translation controversy and the principle of separation (2001)
David Henry Sorenson
http://books.google.com/books?id=JvnZPAAACAAJ NOVIEW

Answers to Your Bible Version Questions (2003)
David W. Daniels
http://books.google.com/books?id=vDrfOawsb4UC - Limited

Thou Shalt Keep Them. A Biblical Theology of the Perfect Preservation of Scripture. (2003)
Kent Brandenburg, Editor.
Preface by Gary Webb. Contributing authors: Kent Brandenburg, Thomas Corkish, Gary La More, Charles Nichols, Thomas M. Strouse, David Sutton, Gary Webb.

A More Sure Word: Which Bible Can You Trust? (2008)
R.B. Ouellette

Origin of the Critical Text (2008)
H. D. Williams
http://books.google.com/books?id=8CICPgAACAAJ (No View)
Old Paths Publications

An Amazon book review of "A More Sure Word: Which Bible Can You Trust?" by R.B. Ouellette tells us of its good value:
"Just recently the NIV translation committee announced that they will be releasing a new version in 2011 and their exact words were, 'This time we'll get it right.' Amazing! This book cuts through the spider web of conflicting terms and arguments and makes a clear case for choosing the KJV."
Pastor Craig, VFC

Looking for a perfect Bible? The Pure Cambridge Edition of the Authorized King James Bible is it! Forsake ALL modern versions.

Steven Avery

This section will be ADDED, remember the post above is 2009!

Amazon.com: The Certainty of the Words eBook: Kyle Stephens