Steven Avery
Stephen Nye where he discusses Grotius he has Hincmarus p. 3
Many more coming
Many more coming
Thanks for the list. After reading the Bentley reference and double checking Tregelles, I took note again where he writes "I take the citation from Bentley." Par for the course. Unfortunately, failing to perform this most basic good practice is the reason why Liberatus is still listed in Greek apparatuses as a witness for qui ("who"), and why the critical apparatuses still haven't cleared many errors even after more than a century.Samuel P. Tregelles, An account of the printed text of the Greek New Testament, [Samuel Bagster, 1854], p. 229. Alters the Greek letters ΩΣ to Θ͞Σ, emended quia (“that”) to read qui (masculine) and altered justificatum (neuter) to justificatus (masculine) in order to arrive at presenting Liberatus as a witness for qui apparuit in carne, justificatus est in spiritu, “who appeared in flesh, was justified in the Spirit”, as the grammar would dictate. And this he set against the reading “God was manifest in the flesh”, and not as Liberatus claims the corruption to be, “God appeared through flesh” (Novum Testamentum Graece, [J.C. Hinrichs, 1872] p. 850).
Thanks for the list. After reading the Bentley reference and double checking Tregelles, I took note again where he writes "I take the citation from Bentley." Par for the course. Unfortunately, failing to perform this most basic good practice is the reason why Liberatus is still listed in Greek apparatuses as a witness for qui ("who"), and why the critical apparatuses still haven't cleared many errors even after more than a century.
Had he read qui, there would not be neuter stems in the Latin.
I enjoyed the Dublin Review. It is too bad Burgon didn't receive a correspondence about the Armenian of GA 256.
A fairly reasonable assessment. The problem with the testimony of Liberatus is that it's been discredited since at least the 1600s. Unfortunately, every so many years a Socinian or Unitarian tries to resurrect it again.If the apparatus is still wrong on Liberatus, then it would be proper to put a correction in a paper on, or a dedicated page here. Probably most or all of the eight ECW here are wrong
I found the Eutherius quotation about two days ago, but unfortunately I promptly misplaced it. It was another underwhelming and ambiguous witness...with any luck it will turn up again while I'm organizing.