Grantley McDonald - evolution by Darwin and textual criticism

Steven Avery

Mostly a laugher.

BCEME - p. 294
The techniques perfected by nineteenth-century philologists like Tischendorf for studying genealogical relationships between textual sources had a surprising parallel in Darwin’s theory of evolution. Darwin’s techniques for tracing the descent of species through homologies and analogies were analogous to those used by textual critics, who used the minute changes from one copy of a given text to another to reconstruct genealogical trees of extant texts and even ‘missing links’ whose existence, form and even location was suggested by the extant evidence. Nineteenth-century philologists used similar techniques to trace the development of families of languages. These similarities were not lost on Darwin.62

62 Dennett 1995, 136–138.

Dennett, Daniel. Darwin’s Dangerous Idea. Evolution and the Meanings of Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995.

Darwin’s Dangerous Idea. Evolution and the Meanings of Life.

A discussion of Plato. What a nothing.
Has nothing to do with the Bible, or some supposed Tischendorf philology.
And theories of languages are always controversial.

This is fanciful fabrication from Grantley about textual criticism.

... textual critics, who used the minute changes from one copy of a given text to another to reconstruct genealogical trees of extant texts and even ‘missing links’ whose existence, form and even location was suggested by the extant evidence.

Originally placed in the post-March-2021 section

Trying to Utilize Evolutionary Nonsense as similar to Textual Criticism Nonsense
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