Steven Avery
The thought of collating this material came from this Facebook discussion on ConfessionalBibliology
Earlier textualcritcism forum discussions:
Here I was working with the John Owen quote given by Robert Truelove:
[TC-Alternate-list] Vaticanus history - Erasmus, Huntley, Brugensis, Walton, Owen
Steven Avery - Oct 11, 2008
K. Martin Heide - June 9, 2007
Philip Maertens - Algarve, Portugal - Nov, 4, 2012
Philip Maertens - Nov, 2012
Notationes in sacra Biblia : quibus, variantia discrepantibus exemplaribus loca, summo studio discutiuntur
The helpful expert on Lucas Brugensis is Philip Maertens:
Philip Maertens
Franciscus Lucas Brugensis et le texte de l'Ancien Testament (premi?re partie)
Franciscus Lucas Brugensis et le texte de l'Ancien Testament (deuxi?me partie)
Franciscus Lucas Brugensis et le Codex Vaticanus
Johann Melchior Goeze (1717-1786)
Fortsetzung der ausf?hrlicheren Vertheidigung (1768)
(p. 56-58 is referenced in Michaelis, it may have the 365 readings)
Johann David Michaelis (1717-1791)
This comes up in Michaelis, here are examples:
Introduction to the New Testament, Vol 2 Part 1, 4th ed - (1793 German) (translated English 1823)
Johann David Michaelis
Sepulveda and response to Foedus cum Graecis, Goeze reference.
Introduction to the New Testament, Volume 2, Part 2 (German written c. 1780 .. Eng edition 1802)
Johann David Michaelis
The Sacraments: An Inquiry Into the Nature of the Symbolic Institutions of the Christian Religion, Usually Called the Sacraments (1844)
Robert Halley
==================Robert Truelove quotes John Owen
"Arise out of copies apparently corrupted, like that of Beza in Luke and that in the Vatican boasted of by Huntley the Jesuit, which Lucas Brugensis affirms to have been changed by the Vulgar Latin, and which was written and corrected, as Erasmus says, about the [time of the] council of Florence, when an agreement was patched up between the Greeks and Latins."
Earlier textualcritcism forum discussions:
Here I was working with the John Owen quote given by Robert Truelove:
[TC-Alternate-list] Vaticanus history - Erasmus, Huntley, Brugensis, Walton, Owen
Steven Avery - Oct 11, 2008
[textualcriticism] "The KJV translators had access to Codex Vaticanus and rejected it."... First Huntly. Finding the Huntly material might be difficult, although it truly would be interesting to see how the Jesuits boasted of the MS in the 1500s. Apparently this is James Huntley Gordon ...
Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature by John McClintock,
James Huntley, an eminent Scotch Jesuit, was born in 1543. Ho was educated at Rome, and entered the order of Jesuits Sept. 20, 1563. For nearly fifty years he taught Hebrew and theology at Rome, Paris, and Bordeaux. He travelled also, as missionary, through England and Scotland, where his zeal for making converts to the Roman Catholic Church caused him to be twice put in prison. He died at Paris, April 16, 1620. Gordon was a learned and skillful man, and very zealous for his order. He wrote Controversiarurn christianae fidei Epitome, 3 parts (i, Limoges, 1612 ; ii, Paris ; ill, reprinted with the two others, Cologne, 1020, 8vo). See Alcgambe, Bibliotheca Scriptorum Societatia Jesu ; Hoefer, Nouv Biog. Generale, xxi, 280.
Owen separately points out that Huntly supports the Vulgate Latin OT over the Hebrew Bible.
Another interesting question is how Brugensis "affirms (Vaticanus) to have been changed by the Vulgar Latin". Likely this would mean the later correctors. Brugensis, like Huntly, might use Vaticanus as a support for the Vulgate readings against the Majority Greek since Brugensis was interested in revising the Clementine Vulgate. And thus he would bypass the many cases where the Vaticanus has its own readings against the Vulgate and the Greek Majority text. It took a whole new radical overhaul of textual theory, led by Hort over a group of Revisors, when he wasn't going to a seance, to allow for those independentista readings to have any assumed authority. (An interesting note leading up to that coup was the Tischendorf King James Bible edition showing Alexandrinus, Vaticanus and Sinaiticus variants, where they weren't too much in the realm of obvious blunders.)
The third part from Owen is about Erasmus, who Owen says about Vaticanus - "written and corrected ... about the council of Florence, when an agreement was patched up between the Greeks and Latins".
Is this correct ("written") about Erasmus. How could that be with an uncial ? Or is Owen misreading Erasmus ? The Council of Florence is mentioned prominently in the article by Sightler.
K. Martin Heide - June 9, 2007
[textualcriticism] Franciscus Lucas Brugensis and VaticanusErasmus believed, by mistake, in addition - and that may have been the reason why he was very reluctant to inspect the Vaticanus-readings more closely - that the Codex Vaticanus was tampered with after the Council of Florence, 1435. Sepulveda argued that this is totally wrong; Erasmus, in turn, agreed in so far, that he knew of this idea only second-hand, but nevertheless that did not convince him of the Codex Vaticanus ... so, nothing was changed.
Philip Maertens - Algarve, Portugal - Nov, 4, 2012
Philip Maertens - Nov, 2012
The German site is mentioned elsewhere, this should be the one:There exist another digital copy at copies have their imperfections.
The copy on the Spanish site lacks pages 320-321 while pages 314-315 are duplicated. Also interesting to note that page 204 reads 205.
The copy on the German site, if it doesn't lack pages, has a lot more duplicated: p. 72-79; p. 282-293; p. 408-429.
The Spanish copy occupies less space on disk but the German one is easier to read.
Notationes in sacra Biblia : quibus, variantia discrepantibus exemplaribus loca, summo studio discutiuntur
The helpful expert on Lucas Brugensis is Philip Maertens:
Philip Maertens
Franciscus Lucas Brugensis et le texte de l'Ancien Testament (premi?re partie)
Franciscus Lucas Brugensis et le texte de l'Ancien Testament (deuxi?me partie)
Franciscus Lucas Brugensis et le Codex Vaticanus
Johann Melchior Goeze (1717-1786)
Fortsetzung der ausf?hrlicheren Vertheidigung (1768)
(p. 56-58 is referenced in Michaelis, it may have the 365 readings)
Johann David Michaelis (1717-1791)
This comes up in Michaelis, here are examples:
Introduction to the New Testament, Vol 2 Part 1, 4th ed - (1793 German) (translated English 1823)
Johann David Michaelis
Sepulveda and response to Foedus cum Graecis, Goeze reference.
Introduction to the New Testament, Volume 2, Part 2 (German written c. 1780 .. Eng edition 1802)
Johann David Michaelis
Michaelis and Codex Laudianus summarized, along with other scholarship:27- The possibility that Greek manufcripts in Alexandria were altered from the Latin no one can deny. Even as early as the time of Origen single alterations might have taken place, for the learned father in a passaage quoted by Wetstein in his note to Matth. viii. 28. ....p. 659
The Sacraments: An Inquiry Into the Nature of the Symbolic Institutions of the Christian Religion, Usually Called the Sacraments (1844)
Robert Halley
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