errors & blunders that hurt heavenly witnesses defense - Stephanus mss - Drexler count - Montfortianus & Greek mss - George Travis

Steven Avery

George Travis has about five.
e.g. he concluded that the Valla mss. should have the verse, as well as Stephanus and others.

Observations on the Miraculous Conception and the testimonies of Ignatius and Justin Martyr on that subject: in a series of letters to the Rev. Mr. Nisbett; occasioned by his appeal to the public and his observations on Dr. Priestley. To which are added remarks on Mr. Wakefield's opinion concerning Matt. xxvii. 5 (1792)
p. 340-347
John Pope Accuses Travis of plagiarism (especially of David Martin) especially the Stephanus mss. p. 342 and various stuff from p. 338-350.

The correspondence of Richard Porson - (1867) p. 47 57 59
edited by Henry Richards Luard


the Stephanus manuscripts error - (next post)


Drexler error - there are 20 Greek manuscripts (double counting by using two different referencing systems)
My friend Robert Brent Graves, would like the detail of that error.


General over-emphasis on the c. eight Greek manuscripts

they should be seen as simply part of the post-Lateran Council restoration of the heavenly witnesses

Key ones today are claiming that Montfortianus is different that Dubliensis
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Steven Avery

the Stephanus manuscripts


The major one today is the Stephanus manuscripts error.

Still promulgated by Chris Thomas, using David Martin and erasing any comments challenges.

Facebook - Textus Receptus Academy
"Stephanus makes reference to Greek manuscripts that we no longer possess today."

Facebook - Timothy Berg

Facebook - Text and Canon

Pure Bible Forum
the Stephanus manuscript question - crochet, semi-circles

Steven Avery
Afaik, the mss. have been identified.
First Scriverner which is up easy to read on CSNTM
Then there was some tweaking by James Keith Elliott in a 2009 paper.
AV and heavenly witnesses defenders should NOT be referencing Stephanus mss. as having the verse.

The pages from Francis Huyshe that are on the Chris Thomas British Magazine of 1833 can be read here p. 284-285
And I think Huyshe did a good job of vindicating Stephanus of any accusations of dishonesty, however this all involves a marking error by his son, and Stephanus did not have this supposed group of heavenly witnesses manuscripts.

"Stephanus makes reference to Greek manuscripts that we no longer possess today."
This should not be used as an argument. There is real complexity about the Alcala (Complutensian) manuscripts, but not Erasmus or Stephanus.

Find where I have John Gill and others making the error.

Pure Bible Forum
Grantley McDonald - Raising the Ghost of Arius - errata
John Mill, Elzeviers and later scholars uninformed about the seven Stephanus mss?
Evangelical Textual Criticism
The Greek Manuscripts of the Comma Johanneum (1 John 5:7–8)

Yes, it is quite definite that John Gill was wrong, despite his general accuracy.

And I have a lot of detail on this at:

Pure Bible Forum
the Stephanus manuscript question - crochet, semi-circles

"And I think the surprise is that John Gill (1697-1771), normally very astute (including on his heavenly witnesses analysis) made the claim, since it had been a matter of analysis for a long time before he wrote. At a quick glance my notes reference Lucas Brugensis ("Louvain divines"), Richard Simon, John Mill, John Louis Roger, the debate between David Martin and Thomas Emlyn, and Isaac Newton as among those who had discussed the Stephanus mss before John Gill."

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Steven Avery

An example from the forums:

Textus Receptus Academy
Oct, 2020

Charlie J. Ray

Bruce Metzger originally contended that the Johannine Comma was a forgery perpetuated by Roman Catholic scholars because the verse only existed in the Vulgate at the time of Erasmus's editing of the Textus Receptus. Metzger had to admit later that he was wrong. James White perpetuated this misinformation in the first edition of his book, The KJV Only Controversy.

Every claim here is wrong. I explain it on the thread.
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Steven Avery

The page where Travis goes full bananas .. he may have cleaned this up some in the later edition.

Letters to Edward Gibbon, Esq., author of the History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; in defence of the authenticity of the seventh verse of the fifth chapter of the First Epistle of St. John. With an appendix of authorities, etc. Few MS. notes (1785)
George Travis



The Analytical Review (1797)

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