English language resources!

Steven Avery

English language resources!

Yes, we want similar with Latin, Greek, German, Russian, French and other languages.:)
However, you can become quite an expert with the English resources.

I plan to add urls and notes.

An informed Bible believer who knows and understands the arguments on both sides will be an authenticity defender.


Erasmus - Annotationes - translation is given in Raising the Ghost of Arius
Erasmus - Paraphrase
Erasmus - Letters - Stunica, Lee, Farrell, Valladolid, Pio (partial in Google books, otherwise library, purchase,etc.)
bios- Drummond, Preserved Smith, Bainton et al
Rummel, Cecilia Asso, Bietenholz, Alistair McGrath, John Cereghin, Sidler

- small comments
Geneva Bible - note
Confessions of Faith - Westminster, Orthodox, Baptist, Mennonite, Rachovian (omit) etc.

John Calvin (1509-1564)

Matthew Poole
Matthew Henry
Cornelius Lapide
John Gill
Luther and Lutherans
and more

Hugo Grotius - section translated

Francis Turretin - any sections translated

Francis Cheynell -(1608-1665)
The Divine Trinunity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ; Or the Blessed Doctrine of the Three Coessentiall Subsistents in the Eternall Godhead Without Any Confusion Or Divsion of the Distinct Subsistences, Or Multiplication of the Most Single and Entire Godhead (1650)
English is p. 251-256 Latin is p. 7-20

Henry Hammond - (1805-1660)
A Paraphrase and annotations upon all the books of the New Testament : briefly explaining all the difficult places thereof (1653) (1845 edition)
Henry Hammond
p. 462-469
Pure Bible

Symon Patrick

Thomas Smith (1638-1710)
Sermon of the credibility of the mysteries (1675)
p. 57-76

John Milton

Richard Simon - original and Andrew Hunwick edition

Isaac Newton
An Historical Account of Two Notable Corruptions of Scripture
p. 184-229

John Wallis

Joseph Bingham

Benedict Picket

William Whiston

David Martin

Thomas Emlyn

Leonard Twells

A critical examination of the late new text and version of the New Testament; wherein the editor [D. Mace]'s corrupt text, false version, and fallacious notes are censur'd, Volume 2 - (1731)- Part 2 of 3 -
Twells was used for part of the Latin of Wolfius, see if that came from here, or another Twells section

Samuel Mather - 1719

Edmund Calamy (1671-1732)
Thirteen Sermons Concerning the Doctrine of the Trinity: Preach'd at the Merchant's-lecture, at Salter's Hall (1722)
P. 423-559

Bengel - 1740 - Gnomon is in English

Wesley - 1770

Johann Michaelis

Franz Knittel

Eugenius Bulgaris (Voulgaris)
- grammatical section

John Hey

George Travis - Gibbon response

Richard Porson

Priestley, Belsham, Improved Version and the Unitarians

Herbert Marsh

Frederick Nolan (1784-1874)

William Hales
Ashbel Green

Thomas Falconer
James Slade
Richard Grier

John Oxlee

John Pye Smith

John Black

John Jones (Ben David)

Thomas Turton - Porson bio

Nicholas Wiseman

Journals 1790-1830


William Wright

John Scott Porter


Orme, Tregelles, Abbot

Thomas Burgess - vindication Griesbach
and much more

Thomas Fanshawe Middleton

Orlando Dobbin

Daniel McCarthy

Abbe le Hir


Nathaniel Ellsworth Cornwall

Charles Forster

Henry Thomas Armfield
Charles Vincent Dolman

Thomas Joseph Lamy


Charles Anthony Swainson - church historian
Andrew Eubank Burn
Otto Bardenhewer
William A. Jurgens
Timothy Barnes
Johannes Quasten

Newton - Westfall, Popkin, Iliffe
Justin Champion


Schaff - Kaye and good commentator

Alfred Plummer


John William Burgon

August Bludau (one paper in English)

William L. Sullivan

Alan England Brooke


John Chapman

Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare

George Stoechkardt

Hugh Pope
Ronald Knox
Arthur Pink

Franz Pieper

Edward Freer Hills

Greenslade - Basil Hall (Reformation Bible, Complutensian)

Franz Posset - (John Bugenhagen)

Raymond Brown

various minor contras

Ben Knopp

Henk de Jonge

Michael Maynard

Grantley McDonald

Robert Coogan
Joseph M. Levine

Thomas Holland
John Lupia
David Cloud
Richard Albert Muller
Robert Jack - (put up Ben David on website)
Glenn Conjurske
Doug Kutilek
Jeffrey Nachimson contra... Gary Hudson
Thomas Strouse
Jesse Boyd
Theodore Letis
Timothy Dunkin
Jan Krans
James White
Daniel Wallace
Bart Ehrman
Pavlos - book to be translated to English
John Painter
Hugh Houghton
David Daniels
Martin Shue
Jack Moorman - Pappas - Bednar - Chris Thomas uses martin
Oniel McQuick
Philip Barton Payne - Canart - umlaut
David Robert Palmer
Elijah Hixson
Junghoo Kwan
Allan K. Jenkins, Patrick Preston - Biblical Scholarship and the Church
Patrick Navas and unitarians
Roger Pearse

Forums and blogs ETC etc
Scandanavian fella
Riddle, DeSoto et al

Bill Brown
James Snapp - Hofstetter
Will Kinney


Mike Ferrando
Steven Avery

Nick Sayers
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