Cyril the corrupt

Steven Avery

Constantine Tischendorf: The Life and Work of a 19th Century Bible Hunter,
(London: Bloomsbury, 2015), p. 50.
Stanley E. Porter (b. 1956)

"...Archbishop Kyrillos (Cyril), was deposed by his own monks in August 1866, on the basis of his apparent heavy-handed rule of the monastery, as well as possible corruption and other offenses. In any event, a new archbishop, Kallistratos, was appointed.”



The Sisters of Sinai (2009), p. 112.
Janet Martin Soskice (b. 1951) - University of Cambridge

"Admittedly Archbishop-Elect Cyril, with whom von Tischendorf was dealing, was notoriously corrupt. He had disposed of valuable items belonging to the monastery to others before von Tischendorf—and it may be that there -was an understanding between them....” - p. 112


"Cyril was later deposed and his portrait, still in the monks’ possession at St. Catherine’s, was slashed by an outraged brother." — p. 113
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Steven Avery

Travels in the East (1847)
Constantine Tischendorf

"...Between four and five in the morning, when the little bell had already rung, I invariably saw by the side of the fountain the worthy brother Cyrillus. This fountain, with its vine and the good Cyrillus, are still present to my eyes.

With this man, who is between forty and fifty years of age, I became exceedingly intimate. He had first located himself upon Mount Athos; but, a short time since, he was brought by force to Sinai for some unexplained act of insubordination towards the patriarch. He is here the librarian. I have learned to esteem him as an honest, well informed, serious, benevolent man. During the latter days of my residence in the monastery, whenever I met him he surprised me with a neat Romaic poem, which he had composed in honour of myself, and transcribed upon embellished paper. He allowed me the use, in my own chamber, of all the manuscripts I wished from the library. When I apologized for the disarrangement this would occasion in the order of the books, he sought to soothe me by saying, that he should he agreeably reminded of my visit when engaged in replacing the manuscripts in their former order. He was, without doubt, very rarely disturbed in a similar way; and scarcely will any one but himself in the monastery think of its rich library.” p. 96-97
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Steven Avery

Add about baksheesh and liquor that Tischendorf used.

Oikonomos latinized œconomus, oeconomus, or economos, was an Ancient Greek word meaning "household manager

Steven Avery

Cyril as a renegade ... info in the book by David.

Kyrillos was really a renegade, a Muslim masquerading more as an Orthodox, according to both Constantius I and the Patriarch of Jerusalem, to whom Constantius admitted it in confession. All that with full documentation, is in my book.