Steven Avery
The CPamph corrector is especially interesting.
Scribes and Correctors of the Codex Sinaiticus - H. J. M Milne and T. C. Skeat, 1938
more on the colophon on p. 64 - Fabiani like Hilgenfeld
The moment we see any feature that is only in the two non-contiguous sections of Leipzig and not in the rest of the manuscript, the immediate suspicion arises that Tischendorf was involved in the creation of the feature. This is especially easy with corrections, which can simply be placed in blank space.
If the notes were in before 1844, Tischendorf used a very exacting theft to pull out the five quires plus a bit of the sixth to get the two colophons. And the fact that the corrector was in one or both (to be checked) of the two non-contiguous sections and nowhere else in Sinaiticus is a most astounding coincidence.
Note that the Codex Sinaiticus Project actually assigns the two colophons to Pamphilus, which is totally absurd, since he lived c. 300 AD.
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Tischendorf palaeography attempts[/COLOR][/URL]
(note quote to be researched about condition of CFA)
Pamphilus colophon in Esther and II Esdras
Scribes and Correctors of the Codex Sinaiticus - H. J. M Milne and T. C. Skeat, 1938
The only remaining correctors of any importance are those of Group C. This comprises, in the classification of Tischendorf and Lake, the individuals Ca, Cb, Cc, Cc*, while Lake (O.T., p. xxi) uses the term CPamph to designate the scholar who collated Kings to Esther with the manuscript of Pamphilus and Antoninus, and whom Tischendorf originally equated with Ca. - p. 46
The CPamph corrections are confined to the Leipzig portion of the manuscript, and therefore lie strictly outside our purview, nor could we here examine the original. However, the evidence of the facsimile appears completely to substantiate Lake’s view that CPamph must be distinguished from Ca, from whom both in forms of letters and method of correction he noticeably departs. Moreover, CPamph is demonstrably later in date, for in O.T. 21, col. 2, ... - p. 46-47
more on the colophon on p. 64 - Fabiani like Hilgenfeld
The moment we see any feature that is only in the two non-contiguous sections of Leipzig and not in the rest of the manuscript, the immediate suspicion arises that Tischendorf was involved in the creation of the feature. This is especially easy with corrections, which can simply be placed in blank space.
If the notes were in before 1844, Tischendorf used a very exacting theft to pull out the five quires plus a bit of the sixth to get the two colophons. And the fact that the corrector was in one or both (to be checked) of the two non-contiguous sections and nowhere else in Sinaiticus is a most astounding coincidence.
Note that the Codex Sinaiticus Project actually assigns the two colophons to Pamphilus, which is totally absurd, since he lived c. 300 AD.
Closely related threads
Tischendorf palaeography attempts[/COLOR][/URL]
(note quote to be researched about condition of CFA)
Pamphilus colophon in Esther and II Esdras
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