correctors D & E - Isaiah scrawl - 1 Timothy 3:16 - Arabic - Codex Y (Macedoniensis) - Hermas CSP urls

Steven Avery

The Last Corrector E


Appears but three times in the New Testament, and seems fully as late as the twelfth century. Corrector E places the word "God" in the great text of 1 Timothy 3:16. "God was manifest in the flesh."
So at the last Sinaiticus is compelled to witness that in this point of great controversy, the Textus Receptus, and K.J.V. reading is the true one.

Kirsopp Lake
Scrivener amassed a mountain of evidence to show that the Sinaiticus correctors - its redactors stretching over a thousand years - correct each other. He also proves that Sinaiticus' original scribe even corrects some of his own errors. That "Corrector D" operated in "the 8th or 9th century" and the last, "Corrector E." in the twelfth century. That "Corrector E" made crucial alterations, namely, placing the word "God" in the great text of 1 Timothy 3:16: "God was manifest in the flesh."

That is, making the last Sinaiticus accord with the Textus Receptus on this point of great controversy. Consequently:
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Steven Avery

Dirk Jongkind
Later and unimportant correction hands are D and E.

No DETAIL at all.


p. 11
24 Unfortunately, the only place where Lake discusses the issue of multiple early correctors is in the Introduction of the facsimile. There he gives one page with examples of each hand (plate III), but never goes so far as to give a systematic overview of all corrections.

(this goes with the Milne and Skeat quote used by Verheyden)

p. 30
The formation of a single quire is described in Scribes and Correctors, though the information provided there cannot be checked any more since the rebinding of the manuscript in the 1930s. 4

4 Milne-Skeat, 72-73. For an overview of the types of quires see besides Turner, Typology, also J. Irigoin, "Les cahiers des manuscrits grecs", in R.icherches de Codico!ogie Comparee, ed. Philippe Hoffmann (Paris: Pr. de l'Ecole normale
superieure, 1998), 1-19.

p. 125
In Song of Songs, the first four numbers in Sinaiticus and Vaticanus are also positioned at the same place in the text. The only difference is that Vaticanus has one extra section number, just before the end of the book. The large Vulgate edition does not record any capitula for this book. A comparison with Latin manuscripts is therefore not possible.
(check Jay Curry Treat!)


p. 84
48 The data for this section come from the following books: 1 Chr (scribe A), Judith (scribe D), 4 Mace (scribe D and A), XII Prophets: Joel-Haggai (scribe B), Psalms (scribe D and A) and the four gospels (scribe D and A). The pseudofacsimile by Tischendorf is not very useful as it only notes some of the most common combinations, ignoring all the others.
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Steven Avery

p. 297 - for Zurich Psalter - 5 pages


These are only supposed prima manu, there are about five biggies some of which overlap Zurich Psalater
but are any listed as Ca?

No, they are all PM.. prima manu
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Steven Avery

Shepherd of Hermas - looking for 20 corrections from "D"
and accents.

Codex Athos Lavra K 96 - this connects to the New Finds!
(Sim.VI; Sim.VII; Sim.IX,31,4–33,3).


Search Athos for homoeoteleuton and other shared features with Sinaiticus
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Steven Avery

Shepherd of Hermas, 1:1 - 2:4 library: BL folio: 341 scribe: B2

Shepherd of Hermas, 2:4 - 5:3 library: BL folio: 341b scribe: B2

Shepherd of Hermas, 5:3 - 7:4 library: BL folio: 342 scribe: B2

Shepherd of Hermas, 7:4 - 10:2 library: BL folio: 342b scribe: B2

Shepherd of Hermas, 10:2 - 11:5 library: BL folio: 343 scribe: B2

Shepherd of Hermas, 11:5 - 14:2 library: BL folio: 343b scribe: B2

Shepherd of Hermas, 14:2 - 16:3 library: BL folio: 344 scribe: B2

Shepherd of Hermas, 16:3 - 17:7 library: BL folio: 344b scribe: B2

Shepherd of Hermas, 17:7 - 20:2 library: BL folio: 345 scribe: B2

Shepherd of Hermas, 20:2 - 22:10 library: BL folio: 345b scribe: B2

Shepherd of Hermas, 22:10 - 25:2 library: BL folio: 346 scribe: B2

Shepherd of Hermas, 25:2 - 27:6 library: BL folio: 346b scribe: B2

Shepherd of Hermas, 27:7 - 29:8 library: BL and NLR folio: 347 and Greek 843 = CSRU F6 scribe: B2

Shepherd of Hermas, 29:8 - 31:6 library: BL and NLR folio: 347b and Greek 843 = CSRU F6v scribe: B2
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Steven Avery

Athos Lavra K 96 -
Athos Lavra.K.96 and 114 3
, quoting Sim.II,8-10, V,3,4-9, VI—VII, IX,31,4-33,3; (6)
(6) Lappa-Zizicas (1965) p. 251 256 and Bandini (2000) p. 109-122.
(overlaps Sinaiticus in Sim 6 and 7)

23. Studiato da E. Lappa-Zizicas e M. Bandini, i quali hanno rispettivamente esaminato i codici Par. Gr. 1143 (Fp) e Athos Lavra K 96 (Fa), seconda e prima parte del Florilegiunu

(2001) 109-122
63. Bandini, “Un nuovo frammento greco,” 120-122.

this connects to the New Finds!
(Sim.VI; Sim.VII; Sim.IX,31,4–33,3).


Shepherd of Hermas, 65:5 - 66:6 library: SC folio: scribe: B2

Shepherd of Hermas, 67:1 - 68:5 library: SC folio: scribe: B2


Shepherd of Hermas, 91:4 - 93:5 library: SC folio: scribe: B2

Shepherd of Hermas, 93:6 - 95:5 library: SC folio: scribe: B2
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