Steven Avery
Cerealis Afer
3. A bishop (surnamed Afer) of Castellum, in Numidia, the author of a Libellus contra Maximinum Arianum. His own episcopal city and the neighboring towns having been devastated in the religious war carried on by Hunneric and his nephew Gundamund against the Catholics, Cerealis took refuge in Carthage, A.D. cir. 485, where he was confronted by Maximus, the Arian prelate of the Ariomanitne (or Armmonite), who reproached him with the calamities which had fallen on those of the orthodox faith, as a proof of the displeasure of God. Being challenged by Maximus to prove the points at issue between the Arians and the orthodox from Scripture alone, he accepted the challenge on twenty assigned heads, each of which he demonstrated in favor of the Catholics by two or three quotations from the Bible. Maximus deferred his reply from day to day until he allowed judgment to go against him by default. See Gennadius, 100. 96, Cave, Historia Literaria, 1, 460.
Cerealis Afer of Castellum - Libellus contra Maximinum Arianum - (went to Carthage after Council 485 w Arian Maximus but did not write in own writing Gennadius )
Cerealis by Idacious Claris (1528 edition)
Being Christian in Vandal Africa: The Politics of Orthodoxy in the Post-Imperial West (2018)
Robin Whelan
Cerealis mentioned a number of times!
3. A bishop (surnamed Afer) of Castellum, in Numidia, the author of a Libellus contra Maximinum Arianum. His own episcopal city and the neighboring towns having been devastated in the religious war carried on by Hunneric and his nephew Gundamund against the Catholics, Cerealis took refuge in Carthage, A.D. cir. 485, where he was confronted by Maximus, the Arian prelate of the Ariomanitne (or Armmonite), who reproached him with the calamities which had fallen on those of the orthodox faith, as a proof of the displeasure of God. Being challenged by Maximus to prove the points at issue between the Arians and the orthodox from Scripture alone, he accepted the challenge on twenty assigned heads, each of which he demonstrated in favor of the Catholics by two or three quotations from the Bible. Maximus deferred his reply from day to day until he allowed judgment to go against him by default. See Gennadius, 100. 96, Cave, Historia Literaria, 1, 460.
Cerealis Afer of Castellum - Libellus contra Maximinum Arianum - (went to Carthage after Council 485 w Arian Maximus but did not write in own writing Gennadius )
Cerealis by Idacious Claris (1528 edition)
Being Christian in Vandal Africa: The Politics of Orthodoxy in the Post-Imperial West (2018)
Robin Whelan
Cerealis mentioned a number of times!
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