Genius - Lilia - p. 312 - Sipachios
Μιχαήλ Σιπαχιός, „o εκ του Ρωσσικού, ο Διδάσκαλος",
Michael Sipachios, "the one from Russikos, the Teacher",
HYMN from Benedict
«Ακολουθία στο Άξιον Εστίν"
"Following Axion Estin"
Ἄξιόν ἐστιν”
The introduction, "It is truly meet..." was, according to tradition, revealed by the
Archangel Gabriel to a
monk on
Mount Athos, in the late 10th century.
Either she or you have transcribed it wrongly. You should surely have written
Ακολουθία εις το Άξιον εστίν, by the venerable teacher Sir Benedict hierodeacon of the holy Russicon cenobium (
παρά τοϋ άοιδίμου διδασκάλου κυρίου Βενεδίκτου Ίεροδιακόνου τοΰ εκ τοϋ Ρωσσικοϋ ίεροΰ Κοινοβίου).
6159. - 'Following the Axion is. The present Continuity is proposed in spite of the venerable teacher Mr. Benedictus Hierodeacon of the Russian Holy Synod, his devotion to the Mother of God. at the request of the First Ecclesiastics, according to the aoli'. Transcribed in Agionymph Orei of Athos. First of all. the Expenditure of Stefanos K. Skatharos of Sixth Athens is published. For the common good of Orthodox Christians everywhere. Athens, types F. Karabini and K. Vafa. (Next to Vyssi street - no. 301). 1854. In 8th, p. 24. *
6159. - 'Ακολουθία εις το Άξιον έστιν. Ή παροΰσα ΆκολουτΉα πεφιλοπό- νηται παρά τοϋ άοιδίμου διδασκάλου κυρίου
Βενεδίκτου Ίεροδιακόνου τοΰ εκ τοϋ Ρωσ- σικοϋ ίεροΰ Κοινοβίου, εύλαβεία τή προς την Κυρίαν Θεοτόκον, αιτήσει τών τοϋ Πρω- τάτου Εκκλησιαστικών, κατά το αωλη'. Μετεγράφη έν τω Άγιωνΰμφ Όρει τοϋ Άθω. Νϋν πρώτον εκδίδεται Δαπάνη
Στεφάνου Κ. Σκαθάρου Τοΰ έξ 'Αθηνών. Εις κοινήν ώφέλειαν τών απανταχού 'Ορθοδόξων Χριστιανών. Άθήνησιν, τΰποις Φ. Καραμπίνη και Κ. Βάφα. (Παρά τή όδω Βΰσση- αριθ. 301). 1854. Είς 8ον, σ. 24. *
And it's 1854 not 1845, isn't it? That's the printed edition, at least,
Sure: it's quoted as that in the source she quotes, but that is because her source is just talking about the work rather than its exact original title: you might have noticed that 'sto' is a modern Greek contraction for 'eis to'.
Moreover, her source has transcribed the date wrongly, switching the final two numerals. It is definitely Athens, 1854, edited by
Skatharos. I am looking at it now, and it is titled as I have shown it.
Lilia is slipshod herself. Footnote 116 is on page 245 of her source, not 243.
Anyway, this relates to what was brought to press in 1854. Much more interesting is
the manuscript that Skatharos consulted, edited and had typeset, which is in the hand of Simonides, which I am also looking at.
Nichtlateinische Schriftzeichen: ... [Sabbas]
By Benediktos Hierodiakonos
Evangelidis, Tryfon (1936), Η παιδεία επί τουρκοκρατίας, Athen.
Τρύφων Ε Ευαγγελίδης,
Τρύφων Ευαγγελίδης (Ε.Δ.Φ..),
Chaidemenopoulos, Ioannis (2012),
Ο μοναχός Ιάκωβος Νεασκητιώτης και το υμναγιολογικό του έργο για τη Θεοτόκο και τους Αγιορείτες Οσιομάρτυρες
The monk Iakovos Neasketiotis and his hymnological work about the Virgin and the Holy Martyrs
[Dissertation], Thessaloniki.
Tod von Benediktos [Michael Sipachios/Μιχαήλ Σιπαχιός, „o εκ του Ρωσσικού, ο Διδάσκαλος“, geb. 1768 auf Symi] Diakon [Ιεροδιάκονος] und Mönch des Klosters des Hl. Panteleimon auf dem Athos; er stammte aus Symi, studierte in Kydonies bei Grigorios Sarafis, lehrte und leitete selbst eine Zeitlang die Schule in Kydonies. Wahrend der Revolution verließ er den Athos, lehrte an der Lehranstalt von Spetses (1828), später in der von Kapodistrias auf Poros gegründeten hieratischen Schule, kehrte dann aber wieder auf den Athos zurück. Benediktos verfasste einige Hymnen, die bekannteste „«Ακολουθία στο Άξιον Εστίν" wurde 1845 in Athen gedruckt (Chaidemenopoulos 2012, 243, Anm. 116; dort auch weitere bis dato unbekannte Werke des Benediktos. Zu Benediktos und der Schule auf Symi siehe Evangelidis 1936, Bd. 2,113-115).
Death of Benediktos [Michael Sipachios/(Greek", born 1768 in Symi] Deacon [(Greek)] and monk of the monastery of St. Panteleimon on Mount Athos; he came from Symi, studied in Kydonies with Grigorios Sarafis, taught and led He left the school in Kydonies for a while during the revolution, taught at the school in Spetses (1828), later in the hieratic school founded by Kapodistrias on Poros, but then returned to Athos and wrote some hymns , the best-known “(Greek)” was printed in Athens in 1845 (Chaidemenopoulos 2012, 243, note 116; there are also other previously unknown works by Benedictos. For Benediktos and the school on Symi, see Evangelidis 1936, vol. 2, 113-115) .
plus a few more timeline entries
„After the assassination of the governor, he [Benedict] again removed to Mount Athos, where he continued until his death. I was then sojourning at Aegina, and thence set out to Nauplia, thence to Syme, Syra, back to Aegina, and other places.“ (Simonides, The Guardian 21. Januar 1863; wiederabgedruckt in The Journal of Sacred Literature and Biblical Record, 1863, Bd. 3, 228).
„[...] he [Benedict] recalled me to Athos. I sailed from
the Pireaus in the month of November, 1839, and lan-
ded again at Athos fort he fifth time. After a few days I
undertook the task of transcribing the Codex [Sina-
iticus], the text of which as I remarked before, had
many years previously been prepared for another
purpose** (Simonides, The Guardian 21. Januar 1863;
wiederabgedruckt in The Journal of Sacred Literature
and Biblical Record, 1863, Bd. 3, 228-229; vgL dazu
auch Stewart 1859, 4 und Elliott 1982, 177).