who first called for comparing 1844 and 1859 sections to check the colouring and staining account?

Steven Avery

this was implied but not stated in the call to Tischendorf to bring both sections to London.

Again. I seriously assert (as Mr. Bradshaw seems to think I am jesting on this grave subject) that I wrote the Codex, to portions of which Tischendorf has given the names of Friderico - Augustanus and Sinaiticus; and I challenge him to produce these Codices in London. I will meet him there at any time he may appoint, and in a public meeting of literary men assembled for the purpose it shall be once and for ever decided whether he or Simonides has spoken truly.


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Steven Avery

Was the next our call, David and myself?

It would be trivially simple, since the Leipzig pages are loose and uniform.
Just take a folio etc.
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