Privilegium maius and the iron gall ink

Steven Avery

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Steven Avery

Historically, the main types of black ink were (1) carbon-based inks, (2) iron gall inks (lGl), (3) sepia inks and (4) bistre inks, with the first two types being by far the most popular. Carbon-based inks were the first to be created, having been in use since at least 2500 BCH in Hast Asia. lGl were introduced much later, being known since the 4th century AD; the oldest occurrences identified are in the Vercelli Gospels (Biblioteca Capitolare, Vercelli, ms. A) [2] and in the Codex Sinaiticus (British Library, London) [3]. Within a few centuries, lGl almost totally replaced the carbon-based inks all throughout the Middle Ages and until the introduction of synthetic inks produced from petrol derivatives.