the Uspensky 1846 history of Mt. Athos

Steven Avery

Uspensky on the history of Mt. Athos

Pervoe puteshchestviev Afonskii monastirii i skiti arkhimandrita, nyne episkopa,

2 Parts in 5 volumes

Porfirii (Uspenskii).
Pervoe puteshchestvie v Afonskii

Where is this 2006 book or the earlier.

Pervoe puteshchestvie v Afonskii monastirii i skiti arkhimandrita, nyne episkopa,
Рофгиа Uspenskogo v 1845godu. Moscow: Obshchestvo sokhraneniia literaturnogo naslediia, 2006.

Wrong one in Worldcat
Первое путешествіе в Синайскій монастырь в 1845 году /
Pervoe puteshestvīe v Sinaĭskīĭ monastyrʹ v 1845 godu


Routledge Handbook

Also check this in general


Lucien Frary
St Petersburg’s first steps to send a spiritual mission to Jerusalem were cautious. In 1843 the Holy Synod and Asiatic Department instructed Archimandrite Porfirii (Uspenskii) to travel to the Holy Land as an ordinary pilgrim (he was not to appear as an official).10 Porfiriis’s main actions in Palestine consisted of familiarizing himself with the local clergy, visiting monasteries and churches, and participating in daily services. He also traveled extensively, visiting Bethlehem, Jordan, Galilee, Lebanon, among other places, where he studied icon painting, worked with Arabs on spiritual and educational matters, and observed Russian pilgrims. In August of 1845 he traveled to Mount Athos. His stay there resulted in his first major historical work on the Eastern Church based on research in the Holy Mountain’s libraries.11



Kevin McGrane|

Первое путешествие в Афонские монастыри и скиты
['The first trip to Athos monasteries and sketes']:
First trip to Mount Athos monasteries and monasteries : 1846. Part II, Section Two (1880_

Указатель актов, хранящихся в обителях св. горы Афонской
['Index of acts stored in the monasteries of the Holy

Первое путешествие в Афонские монастыри и скиты (Kiev, 1877).
Uspensky, for



more PBF (including Lora Gerd)
Last edited:

Steven Avery

Pervoe on PBF
Lucien Frary
Porfirii (Uspenskii),
Pervoe puteshchestviev Afonskii monastirii i skiti arkhimandrita, nyne
episkopa, Porfiriia Uspenskoqo v 1845 godu, 2 parts in 5 vols. (Kiev and Moscow, 1877-1881).

This post

(The 1856 book also has Pervoe)