Uwe Topper book in German has Sinaiticus section

Steven Avery

Uwe Topper's book:

Fälschungen der Geschichte: von Persephone bis Newtons
Zeitrechnung (2001)

has a section on Sinaiticus, and he clearly did do some research. He is one of the few who really understood a lot before the 2009 CSP made the physical corroborating evidences available. His position basically asserts that Tischendorf actively helped setting up the production.

Uwe pointed out to me in an email the fact of the discovery being a larger size than is the current ms, a point that from Gregory that is referenced in Metzger and Aland (and is also in Wikipedia). And is generally passed over without notice. And when I checked into that more, it turned out that all the evidence is that Tischendorf actually chopped off notes! (A point missed in 150 years of Sinaiticus science.)

Are there other tidbits? Maybe someone with German skills can check the book, it would be much appreciated. The book has some pages on other uncials as well, Sinaiticus gets a full, moderately long chapter, almost 20 pages.

The "New Chronology" approach is rather unusual, and it is clear that Sinaiticus supplies them a soft target of false history, since the evidence is so clear that it was written in the 1800s. Thus the Uwe Topper study on Sinaiticus can be interesting even if his basic overall position is rejected. In general, it would also be interesting to see what he says about the group of uncials that have a provenance going back to the 1400s to 1600s, however our key concern is Sinaiticus.

It would also be interesting to know to what extent Uwe Topper uses the Morozov information.
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Steven Avery

Book received mid-Feb, 2017. Plan to have the section scanned p. 219-242,

Then farmed out to friends with German skills.


Steven Avery


Steven Avery

Die Matrix der alten Geschichte: Eine Einführung in die Geschichts- und Chronologiekritik (2021)
Chrisoph Pfister

Ein Pergament-Codex, der häufig mehrere Hände und mehrere Jahre Arbeit erforderte, konnte besser eine uralte Überlieferung Vortäuschen - so die Überlegung der Hersteller.

Wenn man sich die unglaubliche Schrift- und Handschriftengläubigkeit ansieht, die noch heute in den offiziellen wissenschaftlichen Kreisen herrscht, so scheint die alte Rechnung aufzugehen.

Nicht nur Wissenschafter, auch private Sammler und sogar Staaten
werden noch heute zu Opfern eines irrigen Glaubens an das vermeintliche Alter von gewissen Manuskripten.

Mitten in der Weltwirtschaftskrise leistete sich beispielsweise Großbritannien den Luxus, den Codex Sinai'ticus für umgerechnet mehrere Millionen Dollar heutiger Währung der damaligen Sowjetregierung abzukaufen.

A parchment codex, which often required several hands and several years of work, could better simulate an ancient tradition - so the manufacturer's reasoning. If you look at the incredible faith in scripture and manuscripts that still prevails in official scientific circles today, the old calculation seems to work. Not only scientists, but also private collectors and even states still fall victim to an erroneous belief in the supposed age of certain manuscripts. In the middle of the global economic crisis, Great Britain, for example, afforded itself the luxury of buying the Codex Sinaiticus from the then Soviet government for the equivalent of several million dollars in today's currency.


Uwe Topper hat detailliert nachgewiesen, daß die angeblich „aus dem 5. Jahrhundert AD" stammende Vollbibel aus dem Katharinen-Kloster im Sinai von ihrem Entdecker, dem österreichischen Bibel-Forscher Constantin von Tischendorf um 1850 veranlaßt worden ist (Topper: Fälschungen, 221 ff.).

Man erinnert sich, daß die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1983 mehr als dreissig Millionen Mark bezahlt hat, um das Evangeliar Heinrichs des Löwen zu erwerben.

Uwe Topper has demonstrated in detail that the full Bible from St. Catherine's Monastery in Sinai, which is said to come "from the 5th century AD", was commissioned by its discoverer, the Austrian Bible researcher Constantin von Tischendorf, around 1850 (Topper: Fakes, 221 ff. ).

One remembers that in 1983 the Federal Republic of Germany paid more than thirty million marks for Heinrich's Gospel book to acquire the lion.


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Steven Avery

Die "grosse Aktion": Europas erfundene Geschichte : die planmässige Fälschung unserer Vergangenheit von der Antike bis zur Aufklärung
- Page 220

Europas erfundene Geschichte : die planmässige Fälschung unserer Vergangenheit von der Antike bis zur Aufklärung Uwe Topper


p. 220-221
Der älteste ist der Kodex vom Sinai, den einer der Schöpfer des modernen Bibeltextes (1869-1872), Konstantin von Tischendorf, 1844 im Katharinenkloster entdeckte. Das Prachtstück kam erst nach Leipzig und dann nach Petersburg und wurde später für eine irrsinnige Summe nach London verkauft . Vielleicht hatten die Petersburger den Schwindel gemerkt. Die Londoner geben ihn verständlicherweise bis heute nicht zu. Der Kodex enthält das Alte und Neue Testament in Griechisch, fast lückenlos und in der heutigen Anordnung, außerdem noch als besonderes Kennzeichen seiner Altertümlichkeit den Barnabasbrief und den Hirten des Hermas, beide recht unschädliche Apokryphen. die man vielleicht um 1840 einzugemeinden dachte, was nicht gelang.

p. 220-221
The oldest is the Sinai Codex, which one of the creators of the modern Bible text (1869-1872), Konstantin von Tischendorf, discovered in 1844 in St. Catherine's Monastery. The gem came first to Leipzig and then to St. Petersburg and was later sold to London for an insane sum. Perhaps the Petersburgers had noticed the swindle. Understandably, Londoners still don't admit it to this day. The codex contains the Old and New Testaments in Greek, almost without gaps and in the current order, as well as the letter of Barnabas and the shepherd of Hermas, both of which are quite innocuous apocrypha, as a special sign of its antiquity. which one might have thought to incorporate around 1840, which did not succeed.

Die Grosse Atktion

Topper on Alexandrinus
Topper was quite aware of Codex Alexandrinus, ...
"Codex Alexandrinus, however, had already been in Alexandria since 1098, if one were to trust the library records. There is no reason to make it younger, although it came to London only in 1751. It may have been written around 1100.
Uwe pointed out to me in an email the fact of the discovery being a larger size than is the current ms,
a point that from
Gregory that is referenced in Metzger and Aland (and is also in Wikipedia). And
is generally passed over without notice.

Topper admits that he's following Schlisske in his account of the Simonides affair
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Steven Avery


p. 221


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