Simonides 1851 list of publications sent to Muraviev, documented by Condello - Callinico Ieromonaco

Steven Avery

"Costantino Simonidis, o la pietas del falsario"
«Eikasmós» XXIV,

“Constantine Simonides, or the Piety of the Forger”
Oak Moss XXIV

Pages 491-503
By Frederick Condello

the list of ancient manuscripts (pp. 206-259) that Simonidis sent, in January 1851, to the Russian scholar Andrej Nikolaevic Muravíev, figure of prominent figure of the time, perhaps approached through Sturdza, or perhaps already known to Simonidis from the time of his youth on Athos (see the well-founded reconstruction by Ca. on pp. 183-188).
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Steven Avery

e Ἡσιıδου ἔπη in «ancient capital letters with boustrophedic writing» (p. 221 nr. 2), enriched with «some unknown signs (perhaps the ancient musical signs)»,

and with unpublished novelties such as the Ἡσιıδου σιγαλλıεντα (sic) ἔπη written «in ancient shorthand signs»;

or an Iliad with a dedication by the Chii to none other than Hipparchus son of Pisistratus (p. 223 nr. 5), «written in the alphabet with 19 letters»;

an Iliad plus Odyssey, a gift from Demade to Alexander (ibid. nr. 6), «in ancient Attic capital letters, on very thin parchment of remarkable transparency»;

the ῾Ομήρου ἔπη «written in Pelasgian writing» and copied by Laostefano di Simi (p. 235 nr. 30);

but there is also an epitome of the entire Diodorus Siculus drawn up by Marcus of Ithaca (p. 227nr. 11)

or the Golden Verses of Pythagoras «written with the original alphabet of 16 letters» (p. 223 nr. 4)15.

Steven Avery

Costantino Simonidis, o la pietas del falsario

