Titus 2:13 - ECW summary

Steven Avery

From reddit
Titus 2:13 is well supported, and the Greek support is both ancient and as far as I know unanimous. Clement of Alexandria, Hippolytus, the Didascalia, Chrysostom, Gregory of Nyssa, Theodoret, Athanasius, Basil, etc. all understand it as referring to Christ as "great God," and one individual is spoken of in 2:14.

From what I have seen, your claim is dubious for Clement of Alexandria, Hippolytus, Didascalia, Gregory of Nyssa, Theodoret and Basil of Caesarea.
Then you also have to look at Ignatius of Antioch, Dionysius of Alexandria, Ambrosiaster, Apostolic Constitutions and the silence of Gregory Nazianzen,

At the very best you will end up with a very mixed testimony, nothing even close to unanimous.

Ambrose is an important dual addressing in the Latins, quoted by Erasmus.

Remember, this is the ONLY Sharp verse that has decent ECW support.