Steven Avery
This is touched on here and there, but needs its own thread, and possibly a dedicated article.
This thread will collate the various information about the time chronology non-symmetry of palaeographic dating that is based on script and textual feature evidences.
On top of that it will highlight some of the related comments that have shown the problems in circular reasoning in palaeography. William M. Schniedewind is one example.
Specifically applied to Sinaiticus (and Vaticanus) by P. C. Sense, Michaelis and others.
Bernard Janin Sage (P. C. Sense) questions great uncial dating edifice
This is touched on here and there, but needs its own thread, and possibly a dedicated article.
This thread will collate the various information about the time chronology non-symmetry of palaeographic dating that is based on script and textual feature evidences.
On top of that it will highlight some of the related comments that have shown the problems in circular reasoning in palaeography. William M. Schniedewind is one example.
Specifically applied to Sinaiticus (and Vaticanus) by P. C. Sense, Michaelis and others.
2) The ** time chronology non-symmetry** of much historical and palaegoraphical dating (understood by Michaelis and others) comes to play. A very critical part of a deficiency of much modern papyrus and uncial dating and authenticity discussions.
And I have some discussion of this facet here, and welcome suggestions and improvements and enhancements (either publicly or privately):
PureBibleForum (used research blog-style)
four types of evidence that help determine age and authenticity of a manuscript
see the - "Note on Time Element Non-Symmetry"
Palaeographic Postscript
Reading the handwriting scripts is not a time-symmetrical enterprise. The earliest date, the terminus post quem is can be quite accurate. Nobody in 1700 was able to emulate a 1900s handwriting. Thus the 1900s handwriting can tell you that the letter was written no earlier than .. 1900. The terminus ante quem is another story. A good calligrapher can beat up any time limitation proposal. A skilled person in modern times can actually write just like 1611, even the printing of 1611! Or 350 AD. As for the related fields like codicology, Sinaiticus comes out with anomalies galore with the modern theory.
Bernard Janin Sage (P. C. Sense) questions great uncial dating edifice