Steven Avery
The Book of Tobit: Texts Principal Ancient Medieval Traditions
p. 47-48
Poetics and Narrative Function of Tobit 6
The Book of Tobit
Die Reihe Fontes et Subsidia (FoSub) will bibelwissenschaftlichen Referenzwerken ein festes Forum geben. Es werden grundlegende Forschungshilfen wie Einzel- und Spezialeditionen, Textsammlungen, Wörterbücher, Synopsen, Konkordanzen etc. präsentiert, die für die bibelwissenschaftliche Arbeit...
The Book of Tobit: Texts from the Principal Ancient and Medieval Traditions. With Synopsis, Concordances, and Annotated Texts in Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Syriac [Reprint 2013 ed.] 9783110897029, 3110176769, 9783110176766 - DOKUMEN.PUB
The relationships between the many different versions of Tobit present a famous and important problem for text-critics a...
Poetics and Narrative Function of Tobit 6
Poetics and Narrative Function of Tobit 6 3110612968, 9783110612967 - DOKUMEN.PUB
Tobiah's travel with the angel in Tobit chapter six constitutes a singular moment in the book. It marks a before an...