Notes on Simonides publication lists

Steven Avery

Sister thread

lists of Simonides library and document sources around the wor

Afawk, there are three major lists of Simonides publications.

I'll have to check if there is any list in the 1859 bio.
Also the Gennadius library list might be helpful for cross-referencing.

Also helpful would be any indication if the item exists today, and
special notes about the item, and if there is suspicion that it never existed.

1) Periplus of Hennon 1864
Constantine Simonides - 42 items
Periplus of Hennon.jpg

2) 1889 Greek Encyclopedia
Lexikon historias kai geogrphias bialambanon perilēpsin tēs historias, physikēn kai politikēn chōrographian, tous bious tōn meglaōn andrōn, tous mythous kai tas paradoseis pantōn tōn ethnōn apo tōn archaiotatōn chronòn mechri tou nyn
p. 582-583 43 items

Greek Ency.jpg

2) It seems that this is known as Voutyras 1889
Written about in Russian and Italian, editions needed?
We can cross-ref to the section of PBF about Luciano Canfora and Igor P. Medvedev (1999)
We can especially see if it hints at Simonides after 1864 and the Russian experiences reported through Tregelles.

Rukopisnoe nasledie russkich vizantinistov v archivach
Sankt Peterburga
Igor Medvedev



Footnote 14 is important for the source material, although not immediately available:

View attachment 4391

14 I. Medvedev, Neizvestnyi katalog greceskich rukopisej iz kollekcii Konstantina Simonidisa. Grandioznaja paleograficeskaja mistifikacija?, in Id. (ed.), Rukopisnoe nasledie russkich vizantinistov v archivach Sankt-Peterburga, Sankt-Peterburg 1999, 537-567. Parte del materiale, sempre nella traduzione dal russo di Ca., era stata anticipata in «QS» XXXVII/73 (2011) 210-216.

Medvedev has some other interesting material, might be worth a review.

The 1999 book is in Google books, in SNIPPET mode:

The Manuscript Heritage of Russian Byzantinists in the Archives of St. Petersburg

Рукописное наследие русских византинистов в архивах Санкт-Петербурга

English translation - at least title

Canfora and Medvedev overlap material.
Actually finding these pages online would be wonderful.


Pure Bible Forum
the Russians hire Simonides to prepare historical documents after the 1867 fake obituary
Aretemidorous and later years

Anna Mykoniati Biographische Bemerkungen zu Konstantinos Simonides*

13 The list of publications in Voutyras 1889 was written by Simonides himself.
It is to be found as an appendix to the books which he published in London in 1864 and 1865. Between 1842 and 1865, 45 publications are mentioned. Some are nowadays considered as missing, others were perhaps press articles, which were probably in their own right as tracts.
4) Anna Mykoniati in paper in 2017 book

Die getäuschte Wissenschaft: Ein Genie betrügt Europa (2017)

Especially interesting from the list of books are:
(we can search the Greek names later)

6. "Circumstances of Lycians and Caricatures". In Smyrna, in 1843.

This would likely be the same publisher as the Epistle of Barnabas.
14. "A catalog of the Library of Mount Sinai, and of Saint Savva [Mar Saba Monastery between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea] and of King Paul [?]." In Constantinople in 1850.

Simonides mentioned this catalog in the publication controversies, but did not indicate that it was published. The fact that he knew there was no ancient catalog was remarkable. It is possible that he feigned having published these catalogs as an extra support. If it exists today, or is mentioned by a third party, it would be an amazing evidence.
21. "Student [studious/study-related] Memorandum concerning the Eighteen apographs (copies) of the Apostolic Father Hermas". In Moscow in 1853.

This would be important in establishing the relationship between the Simonides Hermas and his earlier Hermas in Sinaiticus. And the "coincidencees" with Hermas (noted by Farrer) and Barnabas are remarkable. However, here we have the same caution as above, Simonides might have been enhancing the background.
36. "Letter concerning a Thesis of Hieroglyphics". In London, 1860.

There is material about the hieroglyphics in the Mayer papyri and in the Periplus of Hennon. Is there a direct publication?


MISSING? - at least in Anna's list this seems to belong:

Shepherd of Hermas
1st edition was published in 1855 in Leipzig by Anger & Dindorf

And possibly the later edition.

(1859) Ante-Nicene Fathers

"the missing Greek conclusion, published by Simoindes and republished by Draeseke"
The Ante-Nicene Fathers
When and where was this published by Simonides? And does it exist today in either or both forms?
And what about Uranios itself? The only listing is:

32. "Concerning the authenticity of Uranius’First Dissertation, in German". In Moscow in 1856.

Then we expound a bit more on:

The Mayer papyri book (Anna has Mauer(?) Codex) has the title:

1861, English, Book, Illustrated edition:
Fac-similes of certain portions of the Gospel of St. Matthew, and of the Epistles of Ss. James & Jude : written on papyrus in the first century, and preserved in the Egyptian museum of Joseph Mayer ... Liverpool. With a portrait of St. Matthew, from a fresco painting at Mount Athos. Edited and illustrated with notes and historical and literary prolegomena, containing confirmatory fac-similes of the same portions of Holy Scripture from papyri and parchment mss. in the monasteries of Mount Athos, of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai, of St. Sabba in Palestine, and other sources. / By Constanine Simonides.

The url is to the picture of Matthew. :) The pictures of this nature are discussed in the discussion of ms. 2427 Archaic Mark.

Luciano Canfora discussion of the Artemidorus Papyri should be checked, too.

This is planned to cross-ref with that page about the pics on the PBF.

Note that the latest remains 1864, even though Simonides is reported in St. Petersburg working in the Russian historical archives later in the 1860s and lived till 1890.


12 The genuine or fake manuscripts sold by Simonides in Europe are not cataloged. There are those in
the National Library (Athens),
the British Library (London),
the Bodleian Library (Oxford),
the Austrian National Library (Vienna)
in the Bibliotheque de Chatres (France),
the City Museum (Liverpool) and seemingly also in other collections.
Gennadius (Gennadeion) in Athens has a fine collection referenced in the Pasquale Massimo Pinto writings.
University of Thessalonika supplied the very critical Epistle of Barnabas

In Germany, Leipzig University might especially help with the Hermas editions, and they have the Codex Friderico-Augustanus. THe Sinaiticus fragments in St. Petersburg and Sinai are also very important.

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Steven Avery

Nicholaos, Bishiop of Methone on the Holy Spirit

The Theology of the Divine Essence and Energies in George-Gennadios Scholarios (Draft before final corrections)
Christian Kappes

Scholarios == (Joseph Methonis)
"originally by Nicholas Methonis" - Lilia - she conflates this 1859 with an 1857 Monaco? edition

Footnote 87 - the 1819 date is probably 1859

Footnote 87.jpg

διαφόρων συνερανθείσα παρὰ τοῦ ἀειµηήστου διδασκάλου Νικοδέµου Ἁγιορείτου ᾑ παρ´αὐτοῦ προσετέθησαν, by George-Gennadios Scholarios, London: Konstantinos Simonides, 1819."

The 1819 likely needs correction.

Footnote 89 .
Footnore 89 - p 45.jpg



The Archbishop of Thessaloniki, Palamas, the Holy Father of Gregory,
Τοῦ ἐν ἁγίοις πατρὸς ἡµῶν Γρηγορίου αρχιεπισκόπου Θεσσαλονίκῆς, τοῦ Παλαµᾶ, Ὁµιλία περὶ πίστεως ἔκθεσις (London: Konstantinos Simonides, 1859).
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Steven Avery

the 1859 Charles Stewart biography

Here is the basic list from the 1859 Stewart.

The early discussion includes the Jonas controversies, some about Hermas, and a lot about Uranius.


Stewart @2.jpg

In addition to the works already mentioned in these pages, Simonides has also published the following:—

Stewart #1.jpg
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Steven Avery

Gennadius Library

Constantinos Simonidis in the Gennadius Library (2011)
Pasquale Massimo Pinto

Many items are here.

Other Libraries.jpg

4. Other collections of considerable extent are in the

British Library (London), the
Bodleian Library (Oxford), and the
libraries of Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.).

In Greece, books by Simonidis are kept in the

University Library of Crete (4 items), the
University Library of Thessaloniki (5 items), the
Korais Library of Chios (I item), the
Korgialenios Library of Cephalonia (I item), and the
Municipal Center for Historical Research and Documentation of Volos (I item).

In Athens, a few copies of Simonidis' works can also be found in the

National Library, the
University Library, the
Library of Parliament, the
Library of the Academy of Athens, the
Library of the Benaki Museum, and the
Library of the German Archaeological Institute.

A census of the extant copies all over the world is currently being carried out.
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Steven Avery

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